Wage Labour and Capital

Orignally written as a series of newspaper articles in 1847, Wage-Labour and Capital was intended to give an overview of Marx’s central threories regarding the economic relationships between workers and capitalists. These theories outlined include the Marxian form of the Labour Theory of Value, which distinguishes “labour” from “labour-power”, and the Theory of Concentration of Capital, which states that capitalism tends towards the creation of monopolies and the disenfranchisement of the middle and working classes. These theories were later elaborated in Volume 1 of Capital, published in 1867.

The ideas that are expressed in the essay have a very thorough economic contemplation about them as he put aside some of his materialist conceptions of history for the time being. However, this essay did start to show an increased scientific rationale on his ideas of alienated labor which in Marx’s perspective would eventually lead to the proletarian revolution.

Some of the main topics that the essay examines are about labour power and labour and how labour power becomes a commodity. It also presents the labour theory of value that further develops the distinct differences between labour and labour power. The essay also examines the commodity and how the economic principles of supply and demand affect the pricing of certain commodities. Beyond that, the essay explores how capital and capitalism do not service any purpose other than to gain more of it which Marx presents as an illogical method of living one's life.

Thus, "Wage-Labor and Capital" is considered by Marxists as an "in-depth economic and scientific observation on how capitalist economy works, why it was exploitative, and ultimately why it would eventually implode from within".

By : Karl Marx (1818 - 1883), translated by Friedrich Engels (1820 - 1895)

00 - Introduction by Engels

01 - Preliminary

02 - What Are Wages?

03 - By What is the Price of a Commodity Determined?

04 - By What are Wages Determined?

05 - The Nature and Growth of Capital

06 - Relation of Wage-Labour to Capital

07 - The General Law

08 - The Interests of Capital and Wage-Labour

09 - Effect of Capitalist Competition


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