Much Ado About Nothing

Written around the middle of his career, Much Ado About Nothing is one of Shakespeare's great festive comedies. The men are back from the war, and everyone is ready for romance. The dashing young Claudio falls for Hero, the daughter of Leonato, governor of Messina, and his friend Don Pedro helps him secure her affection. These youthful lovers are contrasted with the more experienced (and more cynical) Benedick and Beatrice, who have to be tricked into falling in love. Don Pedro's bastard brother, Don John, provides the intrigue, and the dimwitted constable Dogberry provides the laughs.

By : William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)

01 - Act 1

02 - Act 2

03 - Act 3

04 - Act 4

05 - Act 5

In Messina, a messenger brings news that Don Pedro, a prince from Aragon, will return that night from a successful battle, alongside Claudio and Benedick. Beatrice, niece of Leonato, a governor of Messina, asks the messenger about Benedick and makes sarcastic remarks about his ineptitude as a soldier. Leonato explains that "There is a kind of merry war betwixt Signor Benedick and her."

Upon the soldiers' arrival, Leonato welcomes Don Pedro and invites him to stay for a month, Benedick and Beatrice resume their "merry war", and Pedro's illegitimate brother Don John is introduced. Claudio's feelings for Hero, Leonato's only daughter, are rekindled upon seeing her, and Claudio soon announces to Benedick his intention to court her. Benedick, who openly despises marriage, tries to dissuade his friend, but Don Pedro encourages the marriage. Benedick swears that he will never get married. Don Pedro laughs at him and tells him that when he has found the right person he shall get married.

A masquerade ball is planned in celebration of the end of the war, giving a disguised Don Pedro the opportunity to woo Hero on Claudio's behalf. Don John uses this situation to get revenge on him by telling Claudio that Don Pedro is wooing Hero for himself. A furious Claudio confronts Don Pedro, but the misunderstanding is quickly resolved and Claudio wins Hero's hand in marriage.

Meanwhile, Benedick disguises himself and dances with Beatrice, who proceeds to tell this "mystery man" that Benedick is "the prince's jester, a very dull fool." Enraged by her words, Benedick swears he will have revenge. Don Pedro and his men, bored at the prospect of waiting a week for the wedding, concoct a plan to match-make between Benedick and Beatrice. They arrange for the former to overhear a conversation in which they declare that the latter is madly in love with him, but is too afraid to tell him as their pride is the main impediment to their courtship. Meanwhile, Hero and her maid, Ursula, ensure Beatrice overhears them discuss Benedick's undying love for her. The tricks have the desired effect: both Benedick and Beatrice are delighted to think they are the object of unrequited love, and both accordingly resolve to mend their faults and reconcile.

Meanwhile, Don John, the "bastard prince", plots to stop the wedding, embarrass his brother, and wreak misery on Leonato and Claudio. He informs Don Pedro and Claudio that Hero is unfaithful, and arranges for them to see his associate, Borachio, enter her bedchamber and engage in an amorous liaison with her (though in reality it was Margaret, Hero's chambermaid). Claudio and Don Pedro are taken in, and the former vows to publicly humiliate Hero.

At the wedding the next day, Claudio denounces Hero before the stunned guests and storms off with Don Pedro, causing Hero to faint. A humiliated Leonato expresses his wish for her to die. The presiding friar intervenes, believing Hero to be innocent. He suggests the family must fake Hero's death in order to extract the truth and Claudio's remorse. Prompted by the day's stressful events, Benedick and Beatrice confess their love for each other. Beatrice then asks Benedick to kill Claudio as proof of his devotion, since he has slandered her kinswoman. Benedick is disgusted and at first denies her request. Leonato and his brother Antonio blame Claudio for Hero's apparent death and challenge him to a duel. Benedick then does the same, following Beatrice's commands as he is one of the few who believe Hero. Luckily, on the night of Don John's treachery, the local Watch apprehended Borachio and his ally, Conrade. Despite the comic ineptness of the Watch (headed by constable Dogberry, a master of malapropisms), they have overheard the duo discussing their evil plans. The Watch arrest the villains and eventually obtain a confession, informing Leonato of Hero's innocence. Though Don John has fled the city, a force is sent to capture him. Claudio, stricken with remorse at Hero's supposed death, agrees to her father's demand that he marry Antonio's daughter, "almost the copy of my child that's dead" and carry on the family name.

At the wedding, the bride is revealed to be a still living Hero. Claudio is overjoyed. Beatrice and Benedick, prompted by their friends' interference, finally and publicly confess their love for each other. As the play draws to a close, a messenger arrives with news of Don John's capture, but Benedick proposes to postpone deciding Don John's punishment until tomorrow so the couples can enjoy their newfound happiness. Don Pedro expresses his loneliness since he hasn't found love, to which Benedick responds, "Get thee a wife."


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