Spirits in Bondage

Published under the pseudonym, Clive Hamilton, Spirits in Bondage was C. S. Lewis' first book. Released in 1919 by Heinemann, it was reprinted in 1984 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich and included in Lewis' 1994 Collected Poems. It is the first of Lewis' major published works to enter the public domain in the United States. Readers should be aware that in other countries it may still be under copyright protection.

Most of the poems appear to have been written between 1915 and 1918, a period during which Lewis was a student under W. T. Kirkpatrick, a military trainee at Oxford, and a soldier serving in the trenches of World War I. Their outlook varies from Romantic expressions of love for the beauty and simplicity of nature to cynical statements about the presence of evil in this world. In a September 12, 1918 letter to his friend Arthur Greeves, Lewis said that his book was, "mainly strung around the idea that I mentioned to you before—that nature is wholly diabolical & malevolent and that God, if he exists, is outside of and in opposition to the cosmic arrangements." In his cynical poems, Lewis is dealing with the same questions about evil in nature that Alfred Lord Tennyson explored from a position of troubled faith in "In Memoriam A. H." (Stanzas 54f). In a letter written perhaps to reassure his father, Lewis claimed, "You know who the God I blaspheme is and that it is not the God that you or I worship, or any other Christian."

Whatever Lewis believed at that time, the attitude in many of these poems is quite different from the attitude he expressed in his many Christian books from the 1930s on. Attempts in movies and on stage plays to portray Lewis as a sheltered professor who knew little about pain until the death of his wife late in life, have to deal not only with the many tragedies he experienced from a boy on, but also with the disturbing issues he faced in many of these early poems.

By : C. S. Lewis (1898 - 1963)

01 - French Nocturne

02 - L'Apprenti Sorcier

03 - Song Of The Pilgrims


     As of old Phoenician men, to the Tin Isles sailing
     Straight against the sunset and the edges of the earth,
     Chaunted loud above the storm and the strange sea's wailing,
     Legends of their people and the land that gave them birth—
     Sang aloud to Baal-Peor, sang unto the horned maiden,
     Sang how they should come again with the Brethon treasure laden,
     Sang of all the pride and glory of their hardy enterprise,
     How they found the outer islands, where the unknown stars arise;
     And the rowers down below, rowing hard as they could row,
     Toiling at the stroke and feather through the wet and weary weather,
     Even they forgot their burden in the measure of a song,
     And the merchants and the masters and the bondsmen all together,
     Dreaming of the wondrous islands, brought the gallant ship along;
     So in mighty deeps alone on the chainless breezes blown
     In my coracle of verses I will sing of lands unknown,
     Flying from the scarlet city where a Lord that knows no pity,
     Mocks the broken people praying round his iron throne,
     Sing about the Hidden Country fresh and full of quiet green.
     Sailing over seas uncharted to a port that none has seen.


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