Supreme Personality

This book is gratefully dedicated to the kindly memory of two eminent physicians, long since gone from this earth plane, who professionally observed my fourth physical eclipse by rheumatic fever; and who hopefully assured me, as I fluttered weakly from the shadow, that I could never pass thru it again. When I received their bills I was sure I could not.

If you are "A Self-Made Man," don't say too much about it, someone may suspect you "loafed on the job," and tell the Union.

Prayer should always prepare you for action. For example, little Willie was saying his prayer, and his sister, seeing his pink toes sticking out from under his nightie, tickled them. Willie grew red in the face and suddenly exclaimed: "O God, excuse me a minute while I get up and knock the stuffing out of Susie."

Life is self-realization. Every birth is divine. We are born anew every morning. My wish is that you may catch the gleam, be freed from limitations and enter upon your boundless possibilities. Your endowments are so rich and rare. There is no other person in the world just like you. You have genius, which, if it were brought forth into the sunlight, would glorify with brilliant inspiration a thousand lives. You have insight that, if it were energized, would make the desert blossom as the rose. You have initiative that once illuminated would create an empire fairer than any ever raised in marble. You have harmony lying latent in the vast octaves of your being, which if awakened into melody would sooth, comfort, restore, and purify the passions of a world. You have beauty, matchless in forms of grace, which if breathed into marble, or spread in soul colors upon the canvass would adorn the palaces of kings. You have thoughts which if given expression would burn and shine thru countless ages and bear their messages of hope and power to fainting multitudes.

To bring you into the throne-room of your being, that you may awaken in self-realization, is why I have prepared this course of lessons. Should you give five minutes a day to them, in a year you will know the joy there is in Life, in Power, and in Service.

By : Delmer Eugene Croft

0 - Foreword

1 - Supreme Control of Conditions

2 - Supreme Control of Age

3 - Supreme Daily-Life Method

4 - The Supreme Law of Success

5 - Supreme Body Building Method

6 - Supreme Law of Internal Vibration

7 - Supreme Method of Mental Healing

8 - Supreme Power of Magnetism

9 - Supreme Law of Telepathy


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