The Master of the World

Master of the World is one of the last novels by French pioneer science fiction writer, Jules Verne. At the time Verne wrote the novel, his health was failing. Master of the World is a "black novel," filled with foreboding and fear of the rise of tyrants such as the novel's villain, Robur, and totalitarianism.

By : Jules Verne (1828 - 1905)

01 - What Happened in the Mountains

02 - I Reach Morganton

03 - The Great Eyrie

04 - A Meeting of the Automobile Club

05 - Along the Shores of New England

06 - The First Letter

07 - A Third Machine

08 - At Any Cost

09 - The Second Letter

10 - Outside the Law

11 - The Campaign

12 - Black Rock Creek

13 - On Board the Terror

14 - Niagara

15 - The Eagle's Nest

16 - Robur the Conqueror

17 - In the Name of the Law

18 - The Old Housekeeper's Last Comment

Set in the summer of 1903, a series of unexplained events occur across the Eastern United States, caused by objects moving with such great speed that they are nearly invisible. The first-person narrator, John Strock, 'Head inspector in the federal police department' in Washington, DC, travels to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina to investigate. He discovers that all the phenomena are being caused by Robur, a brilliant inventor. (He was previously featured as a character in Verne's Robur the Conqueror.)

Robur has perfected a new machine, which he has dubbed the Terror. It is a ten-meter long vehicle, capable of operating as a speedboat, submarine, automobile, or aircraft. It can travel at the (then) unheard of speed of 150 miles per hour on land and at more than 200 mph when flying.

Strock tries to capture the Terror but instead is captured himself. Robur drives the strange craft to elude his pursuers, heading to the Caribbean and into a thunderstorm. The Terror is struck by lightning, breaks apart, and falls into the ocean. Strock is rescued from the vehicle's wreckage, but Robur's body is never found. The reader is left to decide whether or not he has died.


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