Thurley Ruxton

This is a rags to riches romance about an exceedingly beautiful, poor, young girl (Thurley Ruxton) who is mentored by one of New York’s elite hostesses. In order to draw them into her social circle, she allows all the famous and moneyed populous of Gothem to believe that Thurley is the princess Thurvinia hiding in New York to escape an arranged marriage. This causes all manner of high drama and romance with a suitable ending.

By : Philip Verrill Mighels

01 - A Sunset

02 - A Departed Glory

03 - A College Widow

04 - A Fateful Encounter

05 - Temptation and a Crest

06 - The Gods of Chance

07 - A Cinderella Proposition

08 - Wanted, A Discovery

09 - Revelations in a Runaway

10 - A Royal Role

11 - Confirming a Rumor

12 - Horses and Humans

13 - Elements of Complications

14 - A Triumph and A Jar

15 - The Flaw In The Gem

16 - Boots To Tremble In

17 - Lost Ground to be Regained

18 - Delayed Decisions

19 - Threats and Carriages

20 - An Imperial Visitor

21 - Wenck For Hertzagotha

22 - Lady Bountiful

23 - The Soup Thickens More

24 - A Singular Alliance

25 - A Duke Impending

26 - A Royal Suitor

27 - What Walls May Seperate

28 - The Car of Fates

29 - Baron Hochous

30 - A Plenapetentary Begs

31 - The Cauldron Bubbles

32 - A Bated Trap

33 - A Still Alarm

34 - A Shattered Hope

35 - The Ice Blue Eyes

36 - A Offer Of Help

37 - The Baron and a Knight

38 - The One Weak Link

39 - A Desperate Flight

40 - A Night of Toil

41 - The Gold of Morning

42 - The Race

43 - A Joy Resisted

44 - Unexpected Aid

45 - A Drove of Lions

46 - Answering the Count

47 - A Thoroughbred

48 - A Climax

49 - A Trysting Place

50 - Princess Thurley

Philip Verrill Mighels (April 19, 1869 – October 12, 1911) was an American writer and novelist. His early poems, short stories, and several of his novels, including his best-selling Bruvver Jim’s Baby and The Furnace of Gold, are part of the Sagebrush School of American literature. He was also a versatile and prolific author, recognized for his science fiction novels, romances, and political commentary. Less-known are his detective novels (published under the pseudonym of Jack Steele).

He was born and raised in Carson City, Nevada, a younger son of pioneer journalists Henry Rust Mighels and Nellie Verrill Mighels Davis. Tutored to be a lawyer by his stepfather, Samuel Post Davis, he passed the Nevada bar in 1890, but moved to San Francisco, California to pursue a career in journalism and as a writer. After his mid-1890s move to New York City, his popularity grew with stories—on cowboys and prospectors, lost civilizations and ape-men, detectives and automobiles, and questions on race, modern sex, and political commentary—serialized in newspapers and major magazines such as Harpers, Saturday Evening Post, Cosmopolitan, and McClures. Over a dozen of these serialized works were published as novels. His most popular novels, Bruvver Jim's Baby and The Furnace of Gold, were set in desert mining camps during Nevada's early twentieth-century mining boom, with touches of humor, romantic Westerners, and sagebrush country characters. After his death, at least two of his works were made into silent movies (“Subterfuge,” 1912, and “If Only Jim,” with Harry Carey, 1920).

Between 1897 and 1901, he and his wife Ella lived in London, in the Bloomsbury district. After returning to the United States they resided in California and, primarily, New York City, with visits to his Nevada home for research trips. While gathering material on the cattle round-up at the Bliss Ranch in Nevada he accidentally shot himself. He died four days later at nearby Winnemucca, at age 42. He is buried near his parents in Carson City's Lone Mountain Cemetery. One early Nevada historian stated that Phil Mighells, “probably the most brilliant creative genius of the younger set, was a voluminous writer, contributing to almost every branch of literature.”


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