The Right Way to Do Wrong

Harry Houdini, master illusionist and contortionist, unmasks the various ways that criminals take advantage of their victims.

By : Harry Houdini

Harry Houdini (born Erik Weisz in Budapest, later Ehrich Weiss or Harry Weiss; March 24, 1874 – October 31, 1926) was an American stunt performer, noted for his sensational escape acts. While many suspected that these escapes were fabricated, Houdini meanwhile presented himself as the scourge of fake magicians and spiritualists.

00 - Preface

01 - Income of a Criminal

02 - Professional Burglary

03 - Difficulties of Burglary

04 - Burglars' Superstitions

05 - Thieves and Their Tricks

06 - The Aristocrat of Thievery

07 - Pickpockets at Work

08 - Beggars and Dead Beats

09 - Begging Letter Swindles

10 - Tricks of Bunco Men

11 - The Game of Wits

12 - Fake! Fake! Fake!

13 - Bogus Treasures

14 - Famous Swindles

15 - The Fair Criminal

16 - The Brace Game

17 - Cheating Uncle Sam

18 - Humbugs

19 - Houdini

20 - Conclusion

One of the most intriguing figures of the twentieth century conducts a master class in subversion …

Originally published in 1906, The Right Way to Do Wrong was a masterclass in subversion conducted by the world’s greatest illusionist. It collected Hou­dini’s findings, from interviews with criminals and police officers, on the most surefire ways to commit crime and get away with it.

This volume presents the best of those writings alongside little-known articles by Houdini on his own brand of deception: magic. Revealing the secrets of his signature tricks, including handcuff and rope escapes, and debunking the methods of his rivals, he proves 
himself to be just as clever and nimble a writer as he was a magician—and surprisingly free with trade secrets! All of which makes this unique selection of works both the ultimate anti-etiquette guide and proof that things are not always as they seem.

In an exclusive introduction to this volume, Teller—magician, comedian, and silent sidekick of Penn Jillette—speaks up about the greatest magician of modern times.


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