Billy Bunny and Uncle Bull Frog

David Cory is the author of over 50 children's book including the Little Jack Rabbit series and the Puss-in-Boots series. These Billy Bunny stories were first syndicated in magazines as short episodes.

By : David Cory (1872 - 1966)

01 - Billy Bunny and Mr. Blacksnake

02 - Billy Bunny and the Freshwater Crab

03 - Billy Bunny and the Sorrowful Jay Bird

04 - Billy Bunny and the Ting-a-Ling Telephone

05 - Billy Bunny and the Runaway Dog

06 - Billy Bunny and Mr. O'Hare's Escape

07 - Billy Bunny and the Policeman Cat

08 - Billy Bunny and the Gray Mouse

09 - Billy Bunny and the Red Rooster

10 - Billy Bunny and Mrs. Cow

11 - Billy Bunny and the Big Bear

12 - Billy Bunny and the Rabbitville ''Gazette''

13 - Billy Bunny and Mr. Mole

14 - Billy Bunny and the Water Snake

15 - Billy Bunny and the Peacock

16 - Billy Bunny and the Marble Deer

17 - Billy Bunny and the Forest Dance

18 - Billy Bunny and the Ragged Rabbit

19 - Billy Bunny and Tailor Bird

20 - Billy Bunny and Parson Crow

21 - Billy Bunny and Jack-in-the-Box

22 - Billy Bunny and Dr. Duck

23 - Billy Bunny and the Fretful Pocupine

24 - Billy Bunny and Danny Billygoat

25 - Billy Bunny and the Whale

26 - Billy Bunny and the Mermaid

27 - Billy Bunny and the Beanstalk

28 - Billy Bunny and Scatterbrains

29 - Billy Bunny and Mrs. Black Cat

30 - Billy Bunny and Big Yellow Dog

31 - Billy Bunny and a Happy Birthday

32 - Billy Bunny and the Lost Ring

33 - Billy Bunny and the Great News

34 - Billy Bunny and Jenny Muskrat

35 - Billy Bunny and the Miller's Dog

36 - Billy Bunny and the Woodchuck

37 - Billy Bunny and the Little Peewee

38 - Billy Bunny and Old Mother Magpie


  Rain, rain, go away,

  Billy Bunny wants to play.

This is what Willy Wind sang one morning. Oh, so early, as the raindrops pitter-pattered on the roof of the little rabbit's house in the Old Brier Patch.

And then of course he woke up and wiggled his little pink nose a million times less or more, and pretty soon he was wide awake, so he got up and looked into the mirror to see if his eyes were open, as he wasn't quite sure he was wide awake after all, for the raindrops made a drowsy noise on the old shingles and the alarm clock wouldn't go off, although it was 14 o'clock.

Well, after a little while, not so very long, his mother called to him, "Billy Bunny, the stewed lollypops are getting cold and the robin's eggs will be hard boiled if you don't hurry up, or hurry down, or something."

"I'll be ready in a jiffy," answered the little rabbit, and then he brushed his whiskers and parted his hair in the middle with a little chip, and after that he was ready for breakfast and dinner and supper, for rabbits are always hungry, you know, and can eat all the time, so I've been told, and I guess it must be true, for why should an old rabbit have told me that if it isn't the truth, I should like to know, and so would you, I'm sure.

"Don't forget your rubber boots," said Mrs. Bunny after the morning meal was over, as Billy Bunny started to hop outdoors. So, like a good little bunny boy, he came back and put them on, and then before he went he polished the brass door knob on the front door and swept the leaves off the little stone walk.

And after that he was ready to do whatever he liked, so out he went on the Pleasant Meadow to eat some clover tops so as not to feel hungry for the next ten minutes.

And just then Mrs. Cow came along with her tinkle, tinkle bell that hung at her throat from a leather collar.

"Where are you going?" she asked, but the little rabbit didn't know.

He was only looking around. He hadn't had time to make up his mind

what to do, and just then, all of a sudden, just like that, Mr.

Blacksnake rose out of the grass.

"Look out!" cried Mrs. Cow. "Maybe he's going to eat you," but whether he was I'm sure I don't know, for Billy Bunny didn't wait to see. He didn't care whether Mr. Blacksnake wanted his breakfast, but hopped away as fast as he could and pretty soon, not so very far, he came to the Babbling Brook, and there sat the little fresh water crab on the sand, and when he saw Billy Bunny he said:

    "It's raining, Billy Bunny,

     But you and I don't care,

     For raindrops make the flowers

     Grow and blossom fair."

And this is what every little boy and girl should say on rainy days.


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