The Bee People

"The Honey-bees are buzzy-fuzzy little pepper pots" Thus this wonderful nature writer begins to tell us about bees, their habits, their way of living and their many contributions to the world and to ourselves. The author writes for all ages and everyone can listen to and enjoy this book.

By : Margaret Warner Morley 

Margaret Warner Morley (February 17, 1858 in Montrose, Iowa - December 12, 1923 in Washington, D.C.) was an American educator, biologist and writer, author of many books on nature and biology for children and novel writer.

00 - Introduction

01 - Apis Mellificia or The Honey Bee

02 - Apis Mellifica and her Eyes

03 - Her Tongue

04 - Her Honey-Sac

05 - Ambrosia and Nectar

06 - Mis Apis's Legs

07 - Her Wings

08 - How She Hears and Smells

09 - Her Sting

10 - Miss Apis and Her Sisters

11 - The Brothers

12 - The Queen

13 - The Work of the Hive - The Manufacture of Wax

14 - Honeycomb

15 - Honey and Honey-Dew

16 - Cradle-Cells

17 - The Family Exodus

18 - The New Queen

19 - Some Odd Notions about Bees

20 - Bombus -The Bumble Bee


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