Many Ways for Cooking Eggs

Eggs are incredible versatile, there are so many ways to cook and season eggs, and they make a great meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In this volume, Ms Rorer has collected a large number of recipes for eggs, which will be just as interesting for modern readers as they were when this book came out, over a hundred years ago.

By : Sarah Tyson Heston Rorer (1849 - 1937)

01 - Sauces

02 - Cooking of Eggs, part 1

03 - Cooking of Eggs, part 2

04 - Cooking of Eggs, part 3

05 - Omelets

06 - Sweet Omelets


English Drawn Butter, Plain Hollandaise; Anchovy, Bechamel, Tarragon,
Horseradish, Cream or White, Brown Butter, Perigueux, Tomato, Paprika,
Curry, Italian


To Preserve Eggs, Egging and Crumbing, Shirred Eggs, Mexicana, On a
Plate, de Lesseps, Meyerbeer, a la Reine, au Miroir, a la Paysanne, a
la Trinidad, Rossini, Baked in Tomato Sauce, a la Martin, a la
Valenciennes, Fillets, a la Suisse, with Nut-Brown Butter, Timbales,
Coquelicot, Suzette, en Cocotte. Steamed in the Shell, Birds' Nests,
Eggs en Panade, Egg Pudding, a la Bonne Femme, To Poach Eggs, Eggs
Mirabeau, Norwegian, Prescourt, Courtland, Louisiana, Richmond,
Hungarian, Nova Scotia, Lakme, Malikoff, Virginia, Japanese, a la
Windsor, Buckingham, Poached on Fried Tomatoes, a la Finnois, a la
Gretna, a l'Imperatrice, with Chestnuts, a la Regence, a la
Livingstone, Mornay, Zanzibar, Monte Bello, a la Bourbon, Bernaise, a
la Rorer, Benedict, To Hard-boil, Creole, Curried, Beauregard,
Lafayette, Jefferson, Washington, au Gratin, Deviled, a la Tripe, a
l'Aurore, a la Dauphin, a la Bennett, Brouilli, Scalloped, Farci,
Balls, Deviled Salad, Japanese Hard, en Marinade, a la Polonnaise, a
la Hyde, a la Vinaigrette, a la Russe, Lyonnaise, Croquettes, Chops,
Plain Scrambled, Scrambled with Chipped Beef, Scrambled with Lettuce,
Scrambled with Shrimps, Scrambled with Fresh Tomatoes, Scrambled with
Rice and Tomato, Scrambled with Asparagus Tips, Egg Flip


Omelet with Asparagus Tips, with Green Peas, Havana, with Tomato
Sauce, with Oysters, with Sweetbreads, with Tomatoes, with Ham, with
Cheese, with Fine Herbs, Spanish, Jardiniere, with Fresh Mushrooms,
O'Brien, with Potatoes


Omelet a la Washington, with Rum, Swiss Souffle, a la Duchesse,


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