The Heroic Life and Exploits of Siegfried the Dragon Slayer

This is the prequel of the Nibelungenlied. It tells the tale of Siegfried as a young man when he sets forth to earn a name for himself so he will be able to stand proudly with his ancestors.

01 - FIRST ADVENTURE. Of King Siegmund, and of Heroes, Dwarfs, Giants, and Dragons of ancient Times

02 - SECOND ADVENTURE. Of Siegfried the Swift, how he grew up to be a Hero, and of his throwing the Spear

03 - THIRD ADVENTURE. Of the Emperor Otnit and Wolfdietrich, and how Siegfried asked permission to go out into the World

04 - FOURTH ADVENTURE. How Siegfried the Swift went through the Wilderness, and what he encountered there

05 - FIFTH ADVENTURE. Mimer relates the Adventures of Wieland, the best of all Smiths and Armourers

06 - SIXTH ADVENTURE. How Siegfried brings an Urochs to the Smiths

07 - SEVENTH ADVENTURE. How Siegfried learns to be a Smith, and how he was sent by the treacherous Mimer to the Dragon

08 - EIGHTH ADVENTURE. How Siegfried fights with the Dragon and bathes himself in his Blood

09 - NINTH ADVENTURE. How Siegfried comes again to the Smithy, and settles Accounts with Mimer

10 - TENTH ADVENTURE. Siegfried sees the great Dragon, and meets a King of the Dwarfs

11 - ELEVENTH ADVENTURE. Siegfried's fight with the faithless Giants under the Drachenstein

12 - TWELFTH ADVENTURE. Of the great Wonders which Siegfried saw in the Dragon s Rock

13 - THIRTEENTH ADVENTURE. How Siegfried first sees the King's Daughter and is received by her

14 - LAST ADVENTURE. Siegfried's Fight with the Dragon


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