The Heart of Philura

Once again Mrs Kingsley does not shy away from the highs and lows of life in the quickly changing world of the 1900s…the ageing women working to support themselves or their families, in jobs that will soon disappear...the washerwoman, butter-woman and the little dressmaker….the contrast between the socialite of Boston and the drudge in the kitchen….the old farmers and the independent, college-educated young people…and, with an acceptance of the realities of life we might think of as “modern”, the impact of an illegitimate child on the lives of its mother and her whole family. In her new role as the ministers wife, Miss Philura’s independent (dare one say rebellious?) spirit continues to blossom, while deep in her heart there is a secret longing waiting to be realised….The arrival of a mysterious new family in the village will have unexpected consequences for the lives of several people in Innesfield; fortunately the heart of Philura is big enough and brave enough to embrace it all.

By : Florence Morse Kingsley (1859 - 1937)

01 - The Hidden Picture

02 - Apriling

03 - Transfiguration

04 - 'A Spot Where Spirits Blend'

05 - The Closed Door

06 - The Hill Family

07 - Malvina Bennettt, dressmaker

08 - The Ornes

09 - The Door Ajar

10 - A Night of Rain and The Morning After

11 - A Little Journey In The World

12 - Millstones and Opportunities

13 - Not At Home To Visitors

14 - Molly Drives The Cow

15 - On The Old Road

16 - Malvina Bennett Points a Moral

17 - Where is Sylvia

18 - On Wings of Morning

19 - Grandma Orne Speaks Her Mind

20 - At The Parsonage

21 - The COnfession

22 - A Rainy Dawn

23 - Playing Mother

24 - Sylvia's Child

25 - 'unto Us a Son is Born'

26 - The Parish Hears The News

27 - The Ladies Aid

28 - Miss Philura's Baby

29 - The Lord Gave

30 - Milly


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