The Romance of Piracy

The Library of Romance is a series of books concerning the romance of scientific facts, be it biology, chemistry, history, or politics. This volume is one of history, concerning an account of the known facts of piracy, starting with the Vikings, and arching in history and geography toward an account of piracy in Chinese waters at around the time of publication of this volume (1914)

By : Edward Keble Chatterton (1878 - 1944)

01 - The Earliest Pirates

02 - The North Sea Pirates

03 - Piracy in the Early Tudor Times

04 - The Corsairs of the South

05 - The Wasps at Work

06 - Galleys and Gallantry

07 - Piracy in Elizabethan Times

08 - Elizabethan Seamen and Turkish Pirates

09 - The Stuart Army Goes forth against the 'Pyrats'

10 - The Good Ship 'Exchange' of Bristol

11 - A Wonderful Achievement

12 - The Great Sir Henry Morgan

13 - 'Black Beard' Teach

14 - The Story of Captain Kidd

15 - The Exploits of Captain Avery

16 - A 'Gentleman' of Fortune

17 - Paul Jones, Pirate and Privateer

18 - A Notorious American Pirate

19 - The Last of the Algerine Corsairs

20 - Pirates of the Persian Gulf

21 - The Story of Aaron Smith

22 - Smith and the Pirate Schooner

23 - Plot and Counter-Plot

24 - Chance and Circumstance

25 - The Cruise of the 'Defensor de Pedro'

26 - The Pirates of Borneo

27 - Cruising among Chinese Pirates


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