Rough and Ready or Life Among the New York Newsboys

Join Rough and Ready for his adventure on the streets of New York City. Working as a newsboy, Rough and Ready tries to support himself and his sister on his meager earnings. Unfortunately, their stepfather is seeking to kidnap little Rose, getting an education is hard work, swindlers are trying to trick him out of his money, and thieves are planning nefarious deeds. Luckily for Rough and Ready, he makes some good friends along the way.

By : Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832 - 1899)

01 - Preface - Ch.2

02 - Chs. 3 - 4

03 - Chs. 5 - 6

04 - Chs. 7 - 8

05 - Chs. 9 - 10

06 - Chs. 11 - 12

07 - Chs. 13 - 14

08 - Chs. 15 - 16

09 - Chs. 17 - 18

10 - Chs. 19 - 20

11 - Chs. 21 - 22

12 - Chs. 23 - 24

13 - Chs. 25 - 26

"Rough and Ready" is presented to the public as the fourth volume of the "Ragged Dick Series," and, like two of its predecessors, was contributed as a serial to the "Schoolmate," a popular juvenile magazine. Its second title, "Life among the New York Newsboys," describes its character and purpose. While the young hero may be regarded as a favorable example of his class, the circumstances of his lot, aggravated by the persecutions of an intemperate parent, are unfortunately too common, as any one at all familiar with the history of the neglected street children in our cities will readily acknowledge.

If "Rough and Ready" has more virtues and fewer faults than most of his class, his history will at least teach the valuable lesson that honesty and good principles are not incompatible even with the greatest social disadvantages, and will, it is hoped, serve as an incentive and stimulus to the young people who may read it.


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