The Suppressed Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson

To those unacquainted with Tennyson's conscientious methods, it may seem strange that a volume of 160 pages is necessary to contain those poems written and published by him during his active literary career, and ultimately rejected as unsatisfactory. Of this considerable body of verse, a great part was written, not in youth or old age, but while Tennyson's powers were at their greatest. Whatever reasons may once have existed for suppressing the poems that follow, the student of English literature is entitled to demand that the whole body of Tennyson's work should now be open, without restriction or impediment, to the critical study to which the works of his compeers are subjected.

By : Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809 - 1892)

01 - Timbuctoo

02 - The 'How' and the 'Why'

03 - The Burial of Love

04 - To ——

05 - Song ''I' the gloaming light''

06 - Song ''Every day hath its night''

07 - Hero to Leander

08 - The Mystic

09 - The Grasshopper

10 - Love, Pride and Forgetfulness

11 - Chorus ''The varied earth, the moving heaven''

12 - Lost Hope

13 - The Tears of Heaven

14 - Love and Sorrow

15 - To a Lady Sleeping

16 - Sonnet ''Could I outwear my present state of woe''

17 - Sonnet ''Though Night hath climbed''

18 - Sonnet ''Shall the evil hag die''

19 - Sonnet ''The pallid thunder stricken sigh for gain''

20 - Love

21 - English War Song

22 - National Song

23 - Dualisms

24 - οἱ ρἑοντες

25 - Song ''The lintwhite and the throstlecock''

26 - A Fragment

27 - Anacreontics

28 - ''O sad no more! Oh sweet no more''

29 - Sonnet ''Check every outflash, every ruder sally''

30 - Sonnet ''Me my own fate to lasting sorrow doometh''

31 - Sonnet ''There are three things that fill my heart with sighs''

32 - Sonnet ''Oh beauty, passing beauty''

33 - The Hesperides

34 - Rosalind

35 - Song ''Who can say''

36 - Sonnet ''Blow ye the trumpet, gather from afar''

37 - O Darling Room

38 - To Christopher North

39 - The Lotos-Eaters

40 - A Dream of Fair Women

41 - Cambridge

42 - The Germ of 'Maud'

43 - ''A gate and a field half ploughed''

44 - The Skipping-Rope

45 - The New Timon and the Poets

46 - Mablethorpe

47 - ''What time I wasted youthful hours''

48 - Britons, Guard your Own

49 - Hands all Round

50 - Suggested by Reading an Article in a Newspaper

51 - ''God bless our Prince and Bride''

52 - The Ringlet

53 - Song ''Home they brought him slain with spears''

54 - 1865-1866

55 - The Lover's Tale, part 1

56 - The Lover's Tale, part 2


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