The Desirable Alien at Home in Germany

A travel journal of a year the author spent in Germany. With a preface and two additional chapters by her partner, the novelist Ford Madox Ford (here using the surname Hueffer).

By : Ford Madox Ford (1873 - 1939) and Violet Hunt (1862 - 1942)

00 - Preface

01 - Ch 1: Introduction: How One Becomes An Alien

02 - Ch 2: Harem Skirts, Storks And Some Social Amenities

03 - Ch 3: Sleepy Hollow

04 - Ch 4: Utopia

05 - Ch 5: Pax Germanica: Servants, Fairy Tales And Tailors

06 - Ch 6a: Beer Gardens V. Bear Gardens

07 - Ch 6b: Beer Gardens V. Bear Gardens Cont.

08 - Ch 7: Princes And Prescriptions

09 - Ch 8: Blue Pates And Schoppen

10 - Ch 9: Chests And Costumes

11 - Ch 10: Waiters And Policemen

12 - Ch 11: A Landgräfin And Her Confessor

13 - Ch 12: Lions And Lace Curtains

14 - Ch 13: Grand Dukes And Gipsies

15 - Ch 14: Great Danes, Geese, Mice And Schoolmasters

16 - Ch 15: ''Drizzling'' And Officers

17 - Ch 16: How It Feels To Be Members Of Subject Races

18 - Ch 17a: Queens Discrowned

19 - Ch 17b: Queens Discrowned Cont.

20 - Ch 18: Bones, Babies And Anabaptists

21 - Ch 19: Celle

22 - Ch 20a: Trier

23 - Ch 20b: Trier Cont.

24 - Ch 21a: Take Us Little Foxes

25 - Ch 21b: Take Us Little Foxes Cont.

26 - Ch 22: Envoi


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