The Giant's Robe

Mark Ashburn is a young teacher at St. Peter's Public School for boys, although he isn't particularly fond of boys. His dream is to make his name in the literary world but mediocrity and rejection meet him at every turn. Dejected, he meets up with Vincent, an old friend, who is about to travel to his father's plantation in Ceylon and asks a favor of Mark. Mark makes a rash promise to help, never suspecting anything would ever be required of him. Backed into a corner, he makes a decision that affects his and others' lives forever.

By : F. Anstey (1856 - 1934)

01 - An Intercessor

02 - A Last Walk

03 - Good-bye

04 - Malakoff Terrace

05 - Neighbours

06 - So Near and yet so Far

07 - In the Fog

08 - Bad News

09 - A Turning-point

10 - Repente Turpissimus

11 - Revolt

12 - Launched

13 - A 'Thorn and Flower Piece'

14 - In the Spring

15 - Harold Caffyn Makes a Discovery

16 - A Change of Front

17 - In which Mark Makes an Enemy and Recovers a Friend

18 - A Dinner Party

19 - Dolly's Deliverance

20 - A Declaration—of War

21 - A Parley with the Enemy

22 - Striking the Trail

23 - Piano Practice

24 - A Meeting in Germany

25 - Mabel's Answer

26 - Visits of Ceremony

27 - Clear Sky—and a Thunderbolt

28 - Mark Knows the Worst

29 - On Board the 'Coromandel'

30 - The Way of Transgressors

31 - Agag

32 - At Wastwater

33 - In Suspense

34 - On the Laufenplatz

35 - Missed Fire

36 - Little Rifts

37 - Mark Accepts a Disagreeable Duty

38 - Harold Caffyn Makes a Palpable Hit

39 - Caffyn Springs His Mine

40 - The Effects of an Explosion

41 - A Final Victory

42 - From the Grave

43 - Conclusion

IT has been my intention from the first to take this opportunity of stating that, if I am indebted to any previous work for the central idea of a stolen manuscript, such obligation should be ascribed to a short tale, published some time ago in one of the Christmas numbers—the only story upon the subject which I have read at present.

It was the story of a German student who, having found in the library of his university an old scientific manuscript, by a writer long since dead and forgotten, produced it as his own; and it is so probable that the recollection of this incident became quite unconsciously the germ of the present book that, although the matter is not of general importance, I feel it only fair to mention it here.

I trust, nevertheless, that it is not necessary to insist upon any claim to the average degree of originality; for if the book does not bear the traces of honest and independent work, that is a defect which is scarcely likely to be removed by the most eloquent and argumentative of prefaces.


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