
This is a collection of poems by Madison Cawein. This volume includes some of the magnificent nature descriptions that Cawein is famous for, and can evoke many different emotions with the reader and listener.

By : Madison Cawein (1865 - 1914)

00 - Inscription

01 - The Dreamer

02 - Quiet

03 - Unqualified

04 - Unencouraged Aspiration

05 - The Wood

06 - Wood Notes

07 - Success

08 - Song

09 - The Old Spring

10 - Hills of the West

11 - Flowers

12 - Second Sight

13 - Dead Sea Fruit

14 - The Wood Witch

15 - At Sunset

16 - May

17 - The Wind of Spring

18 - Interpreted

19 - The Willow Bottom

20 - The Old Barn

21 - Clearing

22 - Requiem

23 - At Last

24 - A Dark Day

25 - Fall

26 - Undertone

27 - Conclusion

28 - Monochromes

29 - Days and Days

30 - Drouth in Autumn

31 - Mid-Winter

32 - Cold

33 - In Winter

34 - On the Farm

35 - Paths

36 - A Song in Season

37 - Apart

38 - Faery Morris

39 - The World's Desire

40 - The Unattainable

41 - Remembered

42 - The Sea Spirit

43 - A Dream Shape

44 - The Vampire

45 - Will-o'-the-Wisp

46 - The Headless Horseman

47 - The Were-Wolf

48 - The Troglodyte

49 - The City of Darkness

50 - Transmutation


A log-hut in the solitude,
A clapboard roof to rest beneath!
This side, the shadow-haunted wood;
That side, the sunlight-haunted heath.
At daybreak Morn shall come to me
In raiment of the white winds spun;
Slim in her rosy hand the key
That opes the gateway of the sun.
Her smile shall help my heart enough
With love to labor all the day,
And cheer the road, whose rocks are rough,
With her smooth footprints, each a ray.
At dusk a voice shall call afar,
A lone voice like the whippoorwill's;
And, on her shimmering brow one star,
Night shall descend the western hills.
She at my door till dawn shall stand,
With Gothic eyes, that, dark and deep,
Are mirrors of a mystic land,
Fantastic with the towns of sleep.


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