Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair

A prose romance set in the forested kingdom of Oakenrealm, where a squirrel can go about from end to end without touching the ground, in which Christopher wins the fair queen Goldilind, discovers his true identity and reclaims his birthright. In this tale of valour and romance, William Morris reimagined the medieval lay of Havelock the Dane.

By : William Morris (1834 - 1896)

01 - Chapters 1 - 5

02 - Chapters 6 - 8

03 - Chapters 9 - 13

04 - Chapters 14 - 16

05 - Chapters 17 - 19

06 - Chapters 20 - 24

07 - Chapters 25 - 27

08 - Chapters 28 - 32

09 - Chapters 33 - 35

10 - Chapters 36 - 38

Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, set in the forested land of Oakenrealm, was Morris' reimagining and recasting of the medieval Lay of Havelock the Dane, with his displaced royal heirs Christopher and Goldilind standing in for the original story's Havelock and Goldborough.

In contrast to his source, Morris emphasizes the romantic aspect of the story, giving a prominent place to the heroine's misfortunes and bringing to the forefront the love story between her and the hero; the warfare by which the hero regains his heritage is relegated to a secondary role. Also unlike both the source and most of Morris's other fantasies, there is little or no supernatural element in this version of the story.

Christopher is portrayed as initially ignorant of his true identity, leading to an emotional conflict between the protagonists to reconcile their mutual love and attraction with what they believe to be the profound disparity in their social status and shame of their forced marriage. This situation is resolved when the two fall in with Jack of the Tofts, who gives refuge to Christopher after his sons rescue the hero from an assassination attempt by a servant of the usurper Earl Rolf.

Jack informs Christopher of his true station and gathers together an army to help him challenge the usurper. When the hosts meet, the commander of Rolf's forces, Baron Gandolf of Brimside, challenges Jack to single combat, but Christopher claims the honor from Jack and proves his worth by defeating the opposing champion.


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