Selected Poetry on or about the MacLeans

"Gifted with poesy as are the Highlanders, and given to the praise of their country and their leaders, it would be expected that many poems would still be extant concerning the MacLeans and their ancestral dominions," wrote John Patterson MacLean in his "A History of the Clan MacLean," These selections, collected and arranged by J.P. Maclean comprise part of Note C of MacLean's treatise (pp. 406-452), although they were written by different authors for different reasons. Dealing with incidents experienced by the MacLeans throughout their long history this highland poetry reveals, in ways the historical narrative cannot, the feeling behind the actions of the MacLeans and the reactions to their activities.

By : John Patterson MacLean (1848 - 1939)

00 - Introduction

01 - The Isle of Mull

02 - The Last Harper o' Mull

03 - Chieftain Maclean

04 - Maclean's Child: A Legend of Lochbuie

05 - Maclean's Child (MacKay)

06 - Wild Revenge

07 - Maclean's Child (Lorn)

08 - Callum o'the Glen

09 - Inch Kenneth

10 - Nine Noted Chiefs of MacLean

11 - War Song of Lachlan, High Chief of Maclean

12 - Coronach on Sir Lachlan, Chief of Maclean

13 - The Lady of Duard's Vengeance

14 - Burial of Sir Lachlan Mor Maclean

15 - The Battle of Knockbreck

16 - MacLean's Welcome to Prince Charlie

17 - Gathering of the Clan

18 - The Isle of Inch Kenneth

19 - A Lay of Clan MacLean

20 - Courtship of Hector MacLean

21 - Glenara

22 - The Lady of the Rock


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