T. De Witt Talmage As I Knew Him

The Autobiography of Thomas De Witt Talmage, he was one of the most prominent religious leaders in the United States during the mid 19th century. His sermons which have been put into writing are convicting, informative and well worth reading or listening to, just as his life is. Full of the spirit of God his life is a testimony and encouragement even today, years after his death.

This book was written by himself and his wife, Eleanor McCutcheon Collier Talmage. The first 17 chapters written by Mr. Talmage and the last five were written by his wife.

By : Thomas De Witt Talmage (1832 - 1902) and Eleanor McCutcheon Talmage (1858 - 1902)

00 - Preface

01 - First Milestone

02 - The Second Milestone part 1

03 - The Second Milestone part 2

04 - The Third Milestone

05 - The Fourth Milestone part 1

06 - The Fourth Milestone part 2

07 - The Fifth Milestone part 1

08 - The Fifth Milestone part 2

09 - The Fifth Milestone part 3

10 - The Sixth Milestone

11 - The Seventh Milestone part 1

12 - The Seventh Milestone part 2

13 - The Eighth Milestone part 1

14 - The Eighth Milestone part 2

15 - The Ninth Milestone part 1

16 - The Ninth Milestone part 2

17 - The Tenth Milestone

18 - The Eleventh Milestone

19 - The Twelfth Milestone

20 - The Thirteenth Milestone part 1

21 - The Thirteenth Milestone part 2

22 - The Fourteenth Milestone part 1

23 - The Fourteenth Milestone part 2

24 - The Fifteenth Milestone part 1

25 - The Fifteenth Milestone part 2

26 - The Sixteenth Milestone

27 - The Seventeenth Milestone part 1

28 - The Seventeenth Milestone part 2

29 - A Biographical Sketch of Dr. Talmage’s Last Milestones- The First Milestone

30 - The Second Milestone

31 - The Third Milestone part 1

32 - The Third Milestone part 2

33 - The Third Milestone part 3

34 - The Third Milestone part 4

35 - The Last Milestone part 1

36 - The Last Milestone part 2

37 - The Last Milestone part 3

I write this story of my life, first of all for my children. How much would I now give for a full account of my father's life written by his own hand! That which merely goes from lip to ear is apt to be soon forgotten. The generations move on so rapidly that events become confused. I said to my son, "Do you remember that time in Philadelphia, during the war, when I received a telegram saying several hundred wounded soldiers would arrive next day, and we suddenly extemporised a hospital and all turned in to the help of the suffering soldiers?" My son's reply was, "My memory of that occurrence is not very distinct, as it took place six years before I was born." The fact is that we think our children know many things concerning which they know nothing at all.

But, outside my own family, I am sure that there are many who would like to read about what I have been doing, thinking, enjoying, and hoping all these years; for through the publication of my entire Sermons, as has again and again been demonstrated, I have been brought into contact with the minds of more people, and for a longer time, than most men. This I mean not in boast, but as a reason for thinking that this autobiography may have some attention outside of my own circle, and I mention it also in gratitude to God, Who has for so long a time given me this unlimited and almost miraculous opportunity.

Each life is different from every other life. God never repeats Himself, and He never intended two men to be alike, or two women to be alike, or two children to be alike. This infinite variety of character and experience makes the story of any life interesting, if that story be clearly and accurately told.

I am now in the full play of my faculties, and without any apprehension of early departure, not having had any portents, nor seen the moon over my left shoulder, nor had a salt-cellar upset, nor seen a bat fly into the window, nor heard a cricket chirp from the hearth, nor been one of thirteen persons at a table. But my common sense, and the family record, and the almanac tell me it must be "towards evening."


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