The American Language

The aim of this book is best exhibited by describing its origin. I am, and have been since early manhood, an editor of newspapers, magazines and books, and a critic of the last named. These occupations have forced me into a pretty wide familiarity with current literature, both periodical and within covers, and in particular into a familiarity with the current literature of England and America. It was part of my daily work, for a good many years, to read the principal English newspapers and reviews; it has been part of my work, all the time, to read the more important English novels, essays, poetry and criticism. An American born and bred, I early noted, as everyone else in like case must note, certain salient differences between the English of England and the English of America as practically spoken and written—differences in vocabulary, in syntax, in the shades and habits of idiom, and even, coming to the common speech, in grammar. And I noted too, of course, partly during visits to England but more largely by a somewhat wide and intimate intercourse with English people in the United States, the obvious differences between English and American pronunciation and intonation.

By : H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)

00 - Preface

01 - Chapter 1. By Way of Introduction Pt 1 The Diverging Streams

02 - Chapter 1. By Way of Introduction Pt 2 The Academic Attitude

03 - Chapter 1. By Way of Introduction Pt 3 The View of Writing Men

04 - Chapter 1. By Way of Introduction Pt 4 Foreign Observers

05 - Chapter 1. By Way of Introduction Pt 5 The Characters of American

06 - Chapter 1. By Way of Introduction Pt 6 The Materials of American

07 - Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American Pt 1 In Colonial Days

08 - Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American Pt 2 Sources of Early Americanisms

09 - Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American Pt 3 New Words of English Material

10 - Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American Pt 4 Changed Meanings

11 - Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American Pt 5 Archaic English Words

12 - Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American Pt 6 Colonial Pronunciation

13 - Chapter 3. The Period of Growth Pt 1 The New Nation

14 - Chapter 3. The Period of Growth Pt 2 The Language in the Making

15 - Chapter 3. The Period of Growth Pt 3 The Expanding Vocabulary

16 - Chapter 3. The Period of Growth Pt 4 Loan-Words

17 - Chapter 3. The Period of Growth Pt 5 Pronunciation

18 - Chapter 4. American and English Today Pt 1 The Two Vocabularies

19 - Chapter 4. American and English Today Pt 2 Differences in Usage

20 - Chapter 4. American and English Today Pt 3 Honorifics

21 - Chapter 4. American and English Today Pt 4 Euphemisms and Forbidden Words

22 - Chapter 5. Tendencies in American Pt 1 International Exchanges

23 - Chapter 5. Tendencies in American Pt 2 Points of Difference

24 - Chapter 5. Tendencies in American Pt 3 Lost Distinctions

25 - Chapter 5. Tendencies in American Pt 4 Foreign Influences Today

26 - Chapter 5. Tendencies in American Pt 5 Processes of Word Formation

27 - Chapter 5. Tendencies in American Pt 6 Pronunciation

28 - Chapter 6. The Common Speech Pt 1 Grammarians and Their Ways

29 - Chapter 6. The Common Speech Pt 2 Spoken American As It Is

30 - Chapter 6. The Common Speech Pt 3 The Verb

31 - Chapter 6. The Common Speech Pt 4 The Pronoun

32 - Chapter 6. The Common Speech Pt 5 The Adverb

33 - Chapter 6. The Common Speech Pt 6 The Noun and Adjective

34 - Chapter 6. The Common Speech Pt 7 The Double Negative

35 - Chapter 6. The Common Speech Pt 8 Pronunciation

36 - Chapter 7. Differences in Spelling Pt 1 Typical Forms

37 - Chapter 7. Differences in Spelling Pt 2 General Tendencies

38 - Chapter 7. Differences in Spelling Pt 3 The Influence of Webster

39 - Chapter 7. Differences in Spelling Pt 4 Exchanges

40 - Chapter 7. Differences in Spelling Pt 5 Simplified spelling

41 - Chapter 7. Differences in Spelling Pt 6 Minor Differences

42 - Chapter 8. Proper Names in America Pt 1 Surnames

43 - Chapter 8. Proper Names in America Pt 2 Given Names

44 - Chapter 8. Proper Names in America Pt 3 Geographical Names

45 - Chapter 8. Proper Names in America Pt 4 Street Names

46 - Chapter 9. Miscellanea Pt 1 Proverb and Platitude

47 - Chapter 9. Miscellanea Pt 2 American Slang

48 - Chapter 9. Miscellanea Pt 3 The Future of the Language

Greatly interested in these differences—some of them so great that they led me to seek exchanges of light with Englishmen—I looked for some work that would describe and account for them with a show of completeness, and perhaps depict the process of their origin. I soon found that no such work existed, either in England or in America—that the whole literature of the subject was astonishingly meagre and unsatisfactory. There were several dictionaries of Americanisms, true enough, but only one of them made any pretension to scientific method, and even that one was woefully narrow and incomplete. The one more general treatise, the work of a man foreign to both England and America in race and education, was more than 40 years old, and full of palpable errors. For the rest, there was only a fugitive and inconsequential literature—an almost useless mass of notes and essays, chiefly by the minor sort of pedagogues, seldom illuminating, save in small details, and often incredibly ignorant and inaccurate. On the large and important subject of American pronunciation, for example, I could find nothing save a few casual essays. On American spelling, with its wide and constantly visible divergences from English usages, there was little more. On American grammar there was nothing whatever. Worse, an important part of the poor literature that I unearthed was devoted to absurd efforts to prove that no such thing as an American variety of English existed—that the differences I constantly encountered in English and that my English friends encountered in American were chiefly imaginary, and to be explained away by denying them.

Still intrigued by the subject, and in despair of getting any illumination from such theoretical masters of it, I began a collection of materials for my own information, and gradually it took on a rather formidable bulk. My interest in it being made known by various articles in the newspapers and magazines, I began also to receive contributions from other persons of the same fancy, both English and American, and gradually my collection fell into a certain order, and I saw the workings of general laws in what, at first, had appeared to be mere chaos. The present book then began to take form—its preparation a sort of recreation from other and far different labor. It is anything but an exhaustive treatise upon the subject; it is not even an exhaustive examination of the materials. All it pretends to do is to articulate some of those materials—to get some approach to order and coherence into them, and so pave the way for a better work by some more competent man. That work calls for the equipment of a first-rate philologist, which I am surely not. All I have done here is to stake out the field, sometimes borrowing suggestions from other inquirers and sometimes, as in the case of American grammar, attempting to run the lines myself.

That it should be regarded as an anti-social act to examine and exhibit the constantly growing differences between English and American, as certain American pedants argue sharply—this doctrine is quite beyond my understanding. All it indicates, stripped of sophistry, is a somewhat childish effort to gain the approval of Englishmen—a belated efflorescence of the colonial spirit, often commingled with fashionable aspiration. The plain fact is that the English themselves are not deceived, nor do they grant the approval so ardently sought for. On the contrary, they are keenly aware of the differences between the two dialects, and often discuss them, as the following pages show. Perhaps one dialect, in the long run, will defeat and absorb the other; if the two nations continue to be partners in great adventures it may very well happen. But even in that case, something may be accomplished by examining the differences which exist today. In some ways, as in intonation, English usage is plainly better than American. In others, as in spelling, American usage is as plainly better than English. But in order to develop usages that the people of both nations will accept it is obviously necessary to study the differences now visible. This study thus shows a certain utility. But its chief excuse is its human interest, for it prods deeply into national idiosyncrasies and ways of mind, and that sort of prodding is always entertaining.

I am thus neither teacher, nor prophet, nor reformer, but merely inquirer. The exigencies of my vocation make me almost completely bilingual; I can write English, as in this clause, quite as readily as American, as in this here one. Moreover, I have a hand for a compromise dialect which embodies the common materials of both, and is thus free from offense on both sides of the water—as befits the editor of a magazine published in both countries. But that compromise dialect is the living speech of neither. What I have tried to do here is to make a first sketch of the living speech of These States. The work is confessedly incomplete, and in places very painfully so, but in such enterprises a man must put an arbitrary term to his labors, lest some mischance, after years of diligence, take him from them too suddenly for them to be closed, and his laborious accumulations, as Ernest Walker says in his book on English surnames, be "doomed to the waste-basket by harassed executors."

If the opportunity offers in future I shall undoubtedly return to the subject. For one thing, I am eager to attempt a more scientific examination of the grammar of the American vulgar speech, here discussed briefly in Chapter VI. For another thing, I hope to make further inquiries into the subject of American surnames of non-English origin. Various other fields invite. No historical study of American pronunciation exists; the influence of German, Irish-English, Yiddish and other such immigrant dialects upon American has never been investigated; there is no adequate treatise on American geographical names. Contributions of materials and suggestions for a possible revised edition of the present book will reach me if addressed to me in care of the publisher at 220 West Forty-second Street, New York. I shall also be very grateful for the correction of errors, some perhaps typographical but others due to faulty information or mistaken judgment.

In conclusion I borrow a plea in confession and avoidance from Ben Jonson's pioneer grammar of English, published in incomplete form after his death. "We have set down," he said, "that that in our judgment agreeth best with reason and good order. Which notwithstanding, if it seem to any to be too rough hewed, let him plane it out more smoothly, and I shall not only not envy it, but in the behalf of my country most heartily thank him for so great a benefit; hoping that I shall be thought sufficiently to have done my part if in tolling this bell I may draw others to a deeper consideration of the matter; for, touching myself, I must needs confess that after much painful churning this only would come which here we have devised."


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