Humorous Readings and Recitations

This anthology of short humorous pieces was intended as a ready reference of material of all sorts to those who participated in public performance, whether professionally, or as part of a school or community program. The pieces themselves were intended to be read aloud, shared with, and appreciated by, an audience.

By : Leopold Wagner (1858 - )

00 - Preface

01 - Accompanied on the Flute

02 - The Troubles of a Triplet

03 - Slightly Deaf

04 - The Lady Freemason

05 - What Happened Last Night!

06 - The Fatal Legs

07 - The Caliph's Jester

08 - A Journey in Search of Nothing

09 - Gemini and Virgo

10 - King Bibbs

11 - Molly Muldoon

12 - The Harmonious Lobsters

13 - The Provincial Landlady

14 - My Matrimonial Predicament

15 - Etiquette

16 - Lost Shepherd

17 - Mathematic Madness

18 - Waiting at Tottlepot

19 - Married to a Giantess

20 - The Vision of the Alderman

21 - The Demon Snuffers

22 - The Walrus and the Carpenter

23 - My Brother Henry

24 - A Night with a Stork

25 - The Faithful Lovers

26 - The Wail of a Banner-Bearer

27 - The Dream of the Bilious Beadle

28 - My Friend Treacle

29 - The Voice of the Sluggard

30 - Artemus Ward's Visit to the Tower of London

31 - Mr. Caudle has lent an Acquaintance the Family Umbrella

32 - Domestic Asides

33 - The Charity Dinner

34 - Acting with a Vengeance

35 - My Fortnight at Wretchedville

36 - The Sorrows of Werther

37 - Moral Music

38 - Billy Dumps, the Tailor

39 - On Punning

40 - Seaside Lodgings

In introducing to the public a Third Series of "Popular Readings," I consider it merely necessary to state that the courtesy of authors and publishers has enabled me to bring together a choice selection of humorous pieces which have acquired a large share of popularity, in addition to a number of others that may justly be regarded as novelties.

Concerning the former, I have so often had occasion to answer inquiries respecting particular pieces for recitation, that it occurred to me the handy collection of those most generally sought after, but hitherto scattered through various publications, would be welcomed by many; and I took steps accordingly. How far I have succeeded in my purpose a glance at the Contents-list will show. For the fresh matter admitted to these pages, I sincerely trust that from among so many new candidates for popularity, at least one or two of them may be elected to represent the Penny Reading Constituents of each respective Borough for some time to come.

Once more I beg to express my indebtedness and thanks to those authors and publishers who have so generously placed their copyright pieces at my disposal.


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