Queen Lucia

Queen Lucia is a 1920 novel written through E. F. Benson. It is the primary of six novels withinside the famous Mapp and Lucia series, approximately idle ladies withinside the Twenties and their warfare for social dominance over their small communities. This ee-e book introduces Emmeline Lucas, referred to as Lucia to her friends, the social queen of the fictitious Elizabethan village of Riseholme, in addition to her husband Philip ("Peppino") Lucas, her pleasant pal Georgie Pillson and her pleasant rival, Daisy Quantock.

By : E. F. Benson (1867 - 1940)


Emmeline Lucas is the social queen of Riseholme, presiding over her community and directing their interests in art and culture. A pretentious show-off, La Lucia drops random Italian phrases into her speech, gives concerts to her friends of the first movement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, dabbles in art, and plants Shakespeare-themed flower arrangements in her garden. Her neighbor, devoted faddist Daisy Quantock, has given up her uric-acid-free diet and Christian Science to focus on Indian mysticism, thanks to a mysterious guru who shows up at her door and offers to show her the Way. Lucia must decide how to annex the guru, and turn this into a social success for herself. Daisy then brings in a Russian medium, Princess Popoffski. Lucia has a harder time when opera diva Olga Bracely arrives in Riseholme for a visit, luring away Lucia's devoted friend Georgie Pillson.


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