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- 05.06.2021 - 0 CommentsAlthough only lightly known as an author of horror stories, Barry Pain departs from his typical themes with…
- 20.10.2023 - 0 CommentsTrong bài học thứ hai của mình với cụ Dumbledore, Harry lần đầu tiên nhìn thấy Riddle sau khi mẹ bị bỏ rơi…
- 16.04.2021 - 0 CommentsThe old English Folklore Tales are fast dying out. The simplicity of character necessary for the retaining of…
- 29.09.2021 - 0 CommentsThis is an anthology of fairy tales (in English) written by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Karl Grimm in…
- 19.10.2023 - 0 CommentsTin đồn nhanh chóng lây lan giữa các học viên trong trường về hành vi của Harry trong lớp của Umbridge và…
- 16.10.2020 - 0 CommentsA concise and comprehensive guide to the Byzantine empire from Constantine to its dissolution. Foord explores…
- 06.03.2020 - 0 CommentsAthelstan King is a British Secret Agent stationed in India at the beginning of WWI. He is attached to the…
- 23.10.2023 - 0 CommentsTrâu là một loài động vật thuộc họ Trâu bò (Bovidae). Chúng sống hoang dã ở Nam Á (Pakistan, Ấn Độ,…
- 29.07.2019 - 0 CommentsThe Kama Sutra, or Aphorisms on Love, has survived at least 1400 years as a dominant text on sexual…
- 10.04.2020 - 0 CommentsPenelope's English Experiences is a fictional travelogue, which documents the experiences of three American…
- 24.02.2020 - 0 CommentsJohn Muir was one of the first modern preservationists. His letters, essays, and books telling of his…
- 24.10.2018 - 0 CommentsThe Scarlet Pimpernel is the first novel in a series of historical fiction by Baroness Orczy, published in…
- 11.11.2020 - 0 CommentsFrederick II, under whose reign the Holy Roman Empire reached its greatest territorial extent, was called by…
- 08.11.2020 - 0 CommentsOur ethereal man with wings, whom we met in Riallaro, continues his tale about Limanora which is a Utopian…
- 07.03.2019 - 0 CommentsUna spiritosa raccolta di 12 racconti basati sull idea di Verga di "Humankind perenne stato di movimento".…
- 01.12.2019 - 0 CommentsLa Odisea es un poema épico griego compuesto por 24 cantos, atribuido al poeta griego Homero. Se cree que…