Life in the Clearings Versus the Bush

As a middle class Englishwoman Moodie did not particularly enjoy "the bush", as she called it. She and her husband moved to Belleville in 1840, which she referred to as "the clearings". Here she described urban life, including religion, art, and education, especially as compared to relative lack of these things in "the bush". She studied the Family Compact and became sympathetic to the moderate reformers led by Robert Baldwin, while remaining critical of radical reformers such as William Lyon Mackenzie. This caused problems for her husband, who shared her views, but, as sheriff of Belleville, had to work with members and supporters of the Family Compact.

Susanna Moodie (1803 - 1885)

00 - Introduction

01 - Belleville

02 - Local Improvements- Sketches of Society

03 - Free Schools--Thoughts on Education

04 - Amusements

05 - Trials of a Travelling Musician

06 - The Singing Master

07 - Camp Meetings

08 - Wearing Mourning for the Dead

09 - Odd Characters

10 - Grace Marks

11 - Michael Macbride

12 - Jeanie Burns

13 - Lost Children

14 - Toronto

15 - Lunatic Asylum

16 - Provincial Agricultural Show

17 - Niagara

18 - Goat Island

19 - Conclusion


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