Famous Modern Ghost Stories

An entertaining selection of "modern" ghost stories selected "to include specimens of a few of the distinctive types of modern ghosts, as well as to show the art of individual stories."

Sure to please the love of the supernatural in all of us!

By : Dorothy Scarborough (1878 - 1935)

00 - Introduction - The Imperishable Ghost

01 - The Willows by Algernon Blackwood, Part 1

02 - The Willows by Algernon Blackwood, Part 2

03 - The Willows by Algernon Blackwood, Part 3

04 - The Shadows on the Wall by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

05 - The Messenger by Robert W. Chambers

06 - Lazarus by Leonid Andreyev

07 - The Beast with Five Fingers by W.F. Harvey (part 1)

08 - The Beast with Five Fingers by W.F. Harvey (part 2)

09 - The Mass of Shadows by Anatole France

10 - What Was It? by Fitz-James O-Brien

11 - The Middle Toe of the Right Foot by Ambrose Bierce

12 - The Shell of Sense by Olivia Howard Dunbar

13 - The Woman at Seven Brothers by Wilbur Daniel Steele

14 - At The Gate by Myla Jo Closser

15 - Ligeia by Edgar Allan Poe

16 - The Haunted Orchard by Richard le Gallienne

17 - The Bowmen by Arthur Machen

18 - A Ghost by Guy de Maupassant

Ghosts are the true immortals, and the dead grow more alive all the time. Wraiths have a greater vitality to-day than ever before. They are far more numerous than at any time in the past, and people are more interested in them. There are persons that claim to be acquainted with specific spirits, to speak with them, to carry on correspondence with them, and even some who insist that they are private secretaries to the dead. Others of us mortals, more reserved, are content to keep such distance as we may from even the shadow of a shade. But there's no getting away from ghosts nowadays, for even if you shut your eyes to them in actual life, you stumble over them in the books you read, you see them on the stage and on the screen, and you hear them on the lecture platform. Even a Lodge in any vast wilderness would have the company of spirits. Man's love for the supernatural, which is one of the most natural things about him, was never more marked than at present. You may go a-ghosting in any company to-day, and all aspects of literature, novels, short stories, poetry, and drama alike, reflect the shadeless spirit. The latest census of the haunting world shows a vast increase in population, which might be explained on various grounds.

Life is so inconveniently complex nowadays, what with income taxes and other visitations of government, that it is hard for us to have the added risk of wraiths, but there's no escaping. Many persons of to-day are in the same mental state as one Mr. Boggs, told of in a magazine story, a rural gentleman who was agitated over spectral visitants. He had once talked at a séance with a speaker who claimed to be the spirit of his brother, Wesley Boggs, but who conversed only on blue suspenders, a subject not of vital interest to Wesley in the flesh. "Still," Mr. Boggs reflected, "I'm not so darn sure!" In answer to a suggestion regarding subliminal consciousness and dual personality as explanation of the strange things that come bolting into life, he said, "It's crawly any way you look at it. Ghosts inside you are as bad as ghosts outside you." There are others to-day who are "not so darn sure!"

One may conjecture divers reasons for this multitude of ghosts in late literature. Perhaps spooks are like small boys that rush to fires, unwilling to miss anything, and craving new sensations. And we mortals read about them to get vicarious thrills through the safe medium of fiction. The war made sensationalists of us all, and the drab everydayness of mortal life bores us. Man's imagination, always bigger than his environment, overleaps the barriers of time and space and claims all worlds as eminent domain, so that literature, which he has the power to create, as he cannot create his material surroundings, possesses a dramatic intensity, an epic sweep, unknown in actuality. In the last analysis, man is as great as his daydreams—or his nightmares!...


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