Christmas Stories from French and Spanish Writers

Fifteen short stories by Antoinette Ogden from French and Spanish writers of many times.

01 - A Bird in the Snow, From the Spanish of Armando Palacio Valdés

02 - A Christmas in the Forest, From the French of André Theuriet

03 - The Louis d'or, From the French of François Coppée

04 - A Christmas Supper in the Marais, From the French of Alphonse Daudet

05 - The Princess and the Ragamuffin, From the Spanish of Benito Pérez Galdós

06 - A Tragedy, From the Spanish of Antonio Maré

07 - The Three Low Masses, From the French of Alphonse Daudet

08 - The Poet's Christmas Eve, From the Spanish of Pedro A. de Alarcón

09 - I Take Supper with my Wife, From the French of Gustave Droz

10 - The Yule Log, From the French of Jules Simon

11 - The Mule and the Ox, From the Spanish of Benito Pérez Galdós

12 - Solange, the Wolf Girl, From the French of Marcel Prévost

13 - Salvette and Bernadou, From the French of Alphonse Daudet

14 - Maese Pérez, the Organist, From the Spanish of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

15 - The Torn Cloak, From the French of Maxime du Camp


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