At the Back of the North Wind

At the Back of the North Wind is a children's book written by Scottish author George MacDonald. It is a fantasy centered on a boy named Diamond and his adventures with the North Wind. Diamond travels together with the mysterious Lady North Wind through the nights. The book includes the fairy tale Little Daylight, which has been pulled out as an independent work, or separately, added to other collections of his fairy tales.

By : George MacDonald (1824 - 1905)

01 - The Hayloft

02 - The Lawn

03 - Old Diamond

04 - North Wind

05 - The Summer-house

06 - Out in the Storm

07 - The Cathedral

08 - The East Window

09 - How Diamond Got to the Back of the North Wind

10 - At the Back of the North Wind

11 - How Diamond Got Home Again

12 - Who Met Diamond at Sandwich

13 - The Seaside

14 - Old Diamond

15 - The Mews

16 - Diamond Makes a Beginning

17 - Diamond Goes On

18 - The Drunken Cabman

19 - Diamond's Friends

20 - Diamond Learns to Read

21 - Sal's Nanny

22 - Mr. Raymond's Riddle

23 - The Early Bird

24 - Another Early Bird

25 - Diamond's Dream

26 - Diamond Takes a Fare the Wrong Way Right

27 - The Children's Hospital

28 - Little Daylight

29 - Ruby

30 - Nanny's Dream

31 - The North Wind Doth Blow

32 - Diamond and Ruby

33 - The Prospect Brightens

34 - In the Country

35 - I Make Diamond's Acquaintance

36 - Diamond Questions North Wind

37 - Once More

38 - At the Back of the North Wind

The book tells the story of a young boy named Diamond. He is a very sweet little boy who makes joy everywhere he goes. He fights despair and gloom and brings peace to his family. One night, as he is trying to sleep, Diamond repeatedly plugs up a hole in the loft (also his bedroom) wall to stop the wind from blowing in. However, he soon finds out that this is stopping the North Wind from seeing through her window. Diamond befriends her, and North Wind lets him fly with her, taking him on several adventures. Though the North Wind does good deeds and helps people, she also does seemingly terrible things. On one of her assignments, she must sink a ship. Yet everything she does that seems bad leads to something good. The North Wind seems to be a representation of Pain and Death working according to God's will for something good.

In this book, MacDonald touches on many theological and philosophical questions, especially concerning theodicy. Today, it is considered one of his masterpieces. According to MacDonald's son and biographer Greville MacDonald, there are many similarities between Diamond and MacDonald's own son Maurice, who died young. Diamond seems to represent Christ, always trying to help others while not completely belonging to this world.


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