With Christ in the School of Prayer

“We have become so accustomed to limit the wonderful love and the large promises of our God, that we cannot read the simplest and clearest statements of our Lord without the qualifying clauses by which we guard and expound them”. This is what Andrew Murray writes in the preface to this practical and scriptural volume on the practice of prayer. This book has been of tremendous help to generations of believers as they have sought a more effective prayer life. It opens with the words of the disciples, “Lord, teach us to pray”. And so opens the school of prayer to which believers are invited.

By : Andrew Murray (1828 - 1917)

00 - Preface

01 - Lord! teach us to pray. or, The Only Teacher

02 - In spirit and truth. or, The True Worshippers

03 - Pray to thy Father, which is in secret. or, Alone with God

04 - After this manner pray. or, The Model Prayer

05 - Ask, and it shall be given you. or, the Certainty of the Answer to Prayer

06 - How much more? or, The Infinite Fatherliness of God

07 - How Much More the Holy Spirit. or, The All-Comprehensive Gift

08 - Because of his importunity. or, The Boldness of God's Friends

09 - Pray the Lord of the Harvest. or, Prayer Provides Labourers

10 - What wilt thou? or, Prayer must be Definite

11 - Believe that ye have received. or The Faith that Takes

12 - Have faith in God. or, The Secret of Believing Prayer

13 - By prayer and fasting. or, The Cure of Unbelief

14 - When ye stand praying, forgive. or, Prayer and Love

15 - If two agree. or, The Power of United Prayer

16 - Speedily, though bearing long. or, the Power of Persevering Prayer

17 - I know that Thou hearest me always. or, Prayer in Harmony with the Being of God

18 - Whose is this image? or, Prayer in Harmony with the Destiny of Man

19 - I go unto the Father. or, Power for Praying and Working

20 - That the Father may be glorified. or, The Chief End of Prayer

21 - If ye abide in Me. or, the All-Inclusive Condition

22 - My words in you. or, The Word and Prayer

23 - Bear Fruit, that the Father may give what ye ask. or, Obedience the Path to Power in Prayer

24 - In My Name. or the All-Prevailing Plea

25 - At that day. or, the Holy Spirit and Prayer

26 - I have prayed for thee. or, Christ the Intercessor

27 - Father! I will. or, Christ the High Priest

28 - Father! not what I will. or Christ the Sacrifice

29 - According to His will. or, our Boldness in Prayer

30 - An holy priesthood. or, The Ministry of Intercession

31 - Pray without ceasing. or, A Life of Prayer

32 - George Muller, and the Secret of his Power in Prayer


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