Christmas and Christmas Lore

For above forty years I have been a diligent collector of history, tradition, legend, custom, or folklore, whether from familiar or unfamiliar sources, relating to the festival of the Holy Nativity. Moreover, I have gathered copiously from scarce pamphlets of the 17th and 18th centuries, from old chapbooks, newspaper paragraphs, and magazine articles old and new, and from contact with rustics in several counties. The fruits of my gathering are briefly summarized in the following pages, in the hope that they may conduce to that "joy and pious mirth" wherewith we ought, all of us, to commemorate the best and greatest Gift of God to man.

By : Thomas G. Crippen (1841 - 1930)

Thomas George Crippen (1841–1929/1930), was a cleric and librarian in the Congregational Church in England. In addition to his Ancient Hymns and Poems, Translated from the Latin, 1869, he has contributed numerous hymns to various periodicals. Two of his original hymns are in the Congregational Church Hymnal, 1887.

01 - Preface and Introduction

02 - Origin of Christmas

03 - Coincident Festivals

04 - Names of Christmas

05 - Use of Evergreens

06 - Holly and Ivy

07 - Laurel, Rosemary, Fir, etc.

08 - Mistletoe

09 - Placing and Removing Evergreens

10 - Christmas Ghosts

11 - Christmas Tales

12 - Christmas Music - The Waits

13 - Old Christmas Hymns

14 - Christmas Carols

15 - Origin of Carols

16 - The Oldest English Carols

17 - Legendary, Mystical, and Modern Carols

18 - Use of Carols

19 - Church Observances - Advent

20 - Church Observances - Christmas Bells

21 - Church Observances - Midnight Mass

22 - Nativity Plays

23 - The Praesepio

24 - Cradle-Rocking: The Posada, etc.

25 - The Children's Christmas

26 - Puritan Hostility to Christmas

27 - Mumming

28 - Hodening, Schimmel, etc.

29 - Wassailing

30 - Christmas Eve

31 - The Yule Log

32 - Christmas Candles

33 - The Christmas Feast

34 - The Boar's Head

35 - Christmas Sports

36 - Masking

37 - The Lord of Misrule

38 - Yule-Firth: ''Unthrifty Folk''

39 - Christmas Gifts - Santa Claus, etc.

40 - The Christmas Sheaf

41 - The Christmas Tree

42 - The Christmas Ship

43 - Christmas Boxes

44 - Christmas Cards, etc.

45 - Family Reunions - The Children's Day

46 - Miscellaneous Christmas Superstitions, etc.

47 - Yule-tide in Thule

48 - Subsidiary Festivals

49 - New Year's Eve - Hagmena

50 - Old Christmas Eve: Wassailing Trees

51 - Epiphany

52 - Twelfth Night

53 - Feast of Fools, or of The Ass

54 - Plough Monday, etc.

55 - Candlemas

56 - Epilogue


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