The King of Elfland's Daughter

This is a fantasy novel by Anglo-Irish writer Lord Dunsany. It is widely recognized as one of the most acclaimed works in all of fantasy literature. Highly influential upon the fantasy genre as a whole, the novel was particularly formative in the subgenres of "fairytale fantasy" and "high fantasy". And yet, it deals always with the truth: the power of love, the allure of nature, the yearning for contentment, the desire for fame, the quest for immortality, and the lure and the fear of magic. Arthur C. Clarke said this novel helped cement Dunsany as "one of the greatest writers of this century". Receiving numerous accolades, Gahan Wilson called it "likely Dunsany's masterpiece", concluding "it could be the very best fairy story ever written". This reader agrees, describing it as the most sensuous piece of writing she has ever recorded . . . simple, lilting, alluring, suggestive, mesmerizing, invigorating, inspiring, and thoroughly original.

By : Lord Dunsany (1878 - 1957)

01 - Preface and The Plan of the Parliament of Erl

02 - Alveric Comes in Sight of the Elfin Mountains

03 - The Magical Sword Meets Some of the Swords of Elfland

04 - Alveric Comes Back to Earth After Many Years

05 - The Wisdom of the Parliament of Erl

06 - The Rune of the Elf King

07 - The Coming of the Troll

08 - The Arrival of the Rune

09 - Lirazel Blows Away

10 - The Ebbing of Elfland

11 - The Deep of the Woods

12 - The Unenchanted Plain

13 - The Reticence of the Leather-Worker

14 - The Quest for the Elfin Mountains

15 - The Retreat of the Elf King

16 - Orion Hunts the Stag

17 - The Unicorn Comes in the Starlight

18 - The Grey Tent in the Evening

19 - Twelve Old Men Without Magic

20 - A Historical Fact

21 - On the Verge of Earth

22 - Orion Appoints a Whip

23 - Lurulu Watches the Restlessness

24 - Lurulu Speaks of Earth and the Ways of Men

25 - Lirazel Remembers the Fields We Know

26 - The Horn of Alveric

27 - The Return of Lurulu

28 - A Chapter on Unicorn-Hunting

29 - The Luring of the People of the Marshes

30 - The Coming of Too Much Magic

31 - The Cursing of Elfin Things

32 - Lirazel Yearns for Earth

33 - The Shining Line

34 - The Last Great Rune

The lord of Erl is told by the parliament of his people that they want to be ruled by a magic lord. Obeying the immemorial custom, the lord sends his son Alveric to fetch the King of Elfland's daughter, Lirazel, to be his bride. He makes his way to Elfland, where time passes at a rate far slower than the real world, and wins her. They return to Erl and have a son, but in the manner of fairy brides of folklore, she fits uneasily with his people. She returns to the waiting arms of her father in Elfland, and her lovesick husband goes searching for her, abandoning the kingdom of Erl and wandering in a now-hopeless quest. However, Lirazel becomes lonesome for her mortal husband and son. Seeing that she is unhappy, the King of Elfland uses a powerful magic to engulf the land of Erl. Erl is transformed into a part of Elfland, and Lirazel and her loved ones are reunited forever in an eternal, enchanted world.

During the course of the novel, the King of Elfland uses up all of the three powerful magic spells he had been reserving for the defense of his realm.


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