The Ordeal of Richard Feverel

After his wife's desertion, Sir Austin wants to bring up his son according to a strict educational system governing every aspect of his life. However Richard has to make his own mistakes, fall in love, and generally live his own life. This book tells about the clashes between Richard's wish to govern his own life to his father's constant interference. This book was very influential. The leading libraries of the day considered it too frank and sexually explicit and refused to buy it. Later authors including E. M. Forster, Oscar Wilde and Virginia Woolf admired and respected it.

By : George Meredith (1828 - 1909)

01 - The Inmates of Raynham Abbey

02 - Showing How the Fates Selected the Fourteenth Birthday to Try the Strength of the System

03 - The Magian Conflict

04 - Arson

05 - Adrian Plies His Hook

06 - Juvenile Stratagems

07 - Daphne’s Bower

08 - The Bitter Cup

09 - A Fine Distinction

10 - Richard Passes Through His Preliminary Ordeal, and is the Occasion of an Aphorism

11 - In which the Last Act of the Bakewell Comedy is Closed in a Letter

12 - The Blossoming Season

13 - The Magnetic Age

14 - An Attraction

15 - Ferdinand and Miranda

16 - Unmasking of Master Ripton Thompson

17 - Good Wine and Good Blood

18 - The System Encounters the Wild Oats Special Plea

19 - A Diversion Played on a Penny-Whistle

20 - Celebrates the Time-Honoured Treatment of a Dragon by the Hero

21 - Richard is Summoned to Town to Hear a Sermon

22 - Indicates the Approaches of Fever

23 - Crisis in the Apple-Disease

24 - Of the Spring Primrose and the Autumnal

25 - In which the Hero Takes a Step

26 - Records the Rapid Development of the Hero

27 - Contains an Intercession for the Heroine

28 - Relates How Preparations for Action Were Conducted Under the April of Lovers

29 - In which the Last Act of a Comedy Takes the Place of the First

30 - Celebrates the Breakfast

31 - The Philosopher Appears in Person

32 - Procession of the Cake

33 - Norsing The Devil

34 - Conquest of an Epicure

35 - Clare’s Marriage

36 - A Dinner-Party at Richmond

37 - Mrs. Berry on Matrimony

38 - An Enchantress

39 - The Little Bird and the Falcon; a Berry to the Rescue!

40 - Clare’s Diary

41 - Austin Returns

42 - Nature Speaks

43 - Again the Magian Conflict

44 - The Last Scene

45 - Lady Blandish to Austin Wentworth

Sir Austin Feverel's wife deserts him to run away with a poet, leaving her husband to bring up their boy Richard. Believing schools to be corrupt, Sir Austin, a scientific humanist, educates the boy at home with a plan of his own devising known as "the System". This involves strict authoritarian supervision of every aspect of the boy's life, and in particular the prevention of any meeting between Richard and girls of his own age. Richard nevertheless meets and falls in love with Lucy Desborough, the niece of a neighboring farmer. Sir Austin finds out and, disapproving of her humble birth, forbids them to meet again, but they secretly marry. Sir Austin now tries to retrieve the situation by sending Richard to London. Here, however, Sir Austin's friend Lord Mountfalcon successfully sets a courtesan to seduce Richard, hoping that this will leave Lucy open to seduction by himself. Ashamed of his own conduct, Richard flees abroad where he at length hears that Lucy has given birth to a baby and has been reconciled to Sir Austin. He returns to England and, hearing about Lord Mountfalcon's villainy, challenges him to a duel. But this goes badly: Richard is seriously wounded. Lucy is so overcome by this turn of events that she loses her mind and dies.


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