The Sunken Garden and Other Poems

This fantastic adventure into the realms of the imagination is a superb example of the incomparable skill of poet Walter de la Mare. In this collection the poet explores the intersection of reality and fantasy within the context of an earth-centeredness that extends far beyond our knowing present - an exploration garnered from dreams, from mindful awakening, indeed from ephemeral ventures into the hitherto unknown.

In this series of related but diverse poems de la Mare appeals to our thoughtful consideration of his work based not solely on its subject matter but from an element of the supernatural interweaved within each verse. The poet's work thus both unites and at times divides our previously familiar concepts and long-held beliefs with a component of the mystical progression of life itself as we each venture along a path in some ways familiar yet in other ways oddly disjointed and exotic.

Prepare to be amazed at the journey on which Walter de la Mare, this exceptional poet, is about to take us. Prepare to depart on an adventure to the realms of this master poet's Sunken Garden, a "green and darkling spot" where perhaps "a distant dreamer dreams." Prepare to share in those universal reveries of prescience that bring wonder and amazement to us all.

By : Walter De la Mare (1873 - 1956)

01 - The Little Salamander

02 - The Sunken Garden

03 - The Riddlers

04 - Mrs. Grundy

05 - The Dark House

06 - Mistress Fell

07 - The Stranger

08 - The Flight

09 - The Remonstrance

10 - The Exile

11 - Eyes

12 - The Tryst

13 - The Old Men

14 - The Fool's Song

15 - The Dreamer

16 - Motley

17 - To E. T

18 - Alexander

19 - For All the Grief

20 - Farewell

21 - Clear Eyes

22 - Music

23 - In a Churchyard

24 - Two Houses


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