Little Jack Rabbit and Chippy Chipmunk

David Cory is the author of over 50 children's book including the Little Jack Rabbit series and the Puss-in-Boots series. This is the fourth of the Little Jack Rabbit books.

By : David Cory (1872 - 1966)

01 - Lollypop Syrup

02 - Dr. Heron

03 - The Song of Promise

04 - Spring Is Here

05 - Little Messenger Boy Bunny

06 - Granddaddy Bullfrog

07 - Rat-A-Tat-Tat

08 - Busy People

09 - Mother Nature

10 - The Whistling Stove

11 - Messenger Boys

12 - A Rude Interruption

13 - Photographer Crane

14 - Dr. Quack

15 - By The Bubbling Brook

016 - Happy Days

17 - The House in The Wood

18 - The Yellow Dog Tramp

19 - Prickly Thorns

20 - Bags of Peanuts

21 - The Musical Alarm Clock

22 - More Adventures

23 - At the Farm

24 - Danny Fox

25 - Chippy Chipmunk's Store

26 - Naughty Featherhead

27 - Little Jack Rabbit's Store

28 - Billy Breeze

29 - Pitter, Patter

One day as Little Jack Rabbit was hopping home to the Old Bramble Patch, he came across something sweet. And what do you suppose it was? Why, a big tin pail half full of lollypop juice, standing under a little spout that was driven into a yellow lollypop tree.

"My, but it tastes good," he said, holding his mouth under the spout to let the sap drip onto his little red tongue. "I wish I had some buckwheat cakes with me."

But he didn't, so he took a little glass bottle out of his knapsack and filled it with the sweet juice.

But, oh dear me! Just then he heard a deep growl.

"Oh dear and oh dear!" cried Little Jack Rabbit, giving a hop to one side to hide behind an old stump.

And then the deep growling voice said again, quick as a wink:

"Who's stealing my lollypop sap?"

"Nobody," answered the little rabbit, peeking out from behind the old stump. And then, would you believe it, he hopped out all the way, for there stood the Big Brown Bear.

"I'll excuse you this time," said that friendly old bear with a grin. "Come into my cave and see all the lollypops I've made from the sap of the lollypop tree."

Well, there certainly were lots and lots of little lollypops piled on the shelves.

"Do you make buckwheat cakes?" asked the little rabbit.

"Every morning," answered the Big Brown Bear, "and I just drown 'em in lollypop syrup!"

The little rabbit smacked his lips.

"If you'll spend the night, I'll give you buckwheat cakes for breakfast," said the Big Brown Bear.

And Little Jack Rabbit did, and ate so many cakes the next morning that he couldn't button up his jacket until the afternoon, when he set out once more for the Old Bramble Patch.


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