Little Wanderers

This book discusses a great variety of plants and their seeds in a simple, yet interesting way that children will enjoy. As the books says, "Plants are great travelers; they often wander far and wide. Sometimes they even cross the ocean and take up their abode in a new land.” The importance of why seeds “travel” and the various means by which they move are investigated.

By : Margaret Warner Morley (1858 - 1923)

01 - Why Plants Travel

02 - Those that Fly with Plumes or Down: Dandelions

03 - Thistles

04 - Milkweeds

05 - Lettuce

06 - Clematis

07 - Asters and Golden-Rod

08 - The Willow

09 - Cattails

10 - Geraniums

11 - Cotton

12 - Other Fly-Aways

13 - Seeds that Fly with Wings: Maples

14 - Elms

15 - Ash Trees

16 - Pines

17 - Seeds that Fly without Wings or Plumes

18 - Other Seeds that are Moved by the Wind

19 - Tumbleweeds

20 - Wanderers that Cling: Burdocks

21 - Cockleburs and Sand Spurs

22 - Tick Trefoil

23 - Stick Tights

24 - Agrimony and Other Weeds

25 - Flax

26 - Mistletoe

27 - Other Plants with Sticky Seeds or Seed Pods

28 - Wanderers that Float

29 - Seeds that Animals Like to Eat: The Hickory

30 - Walnuts and Butternuts

31 - The Chestnut

32 - Other Edible Seeds

33 - Berries

34 - Cherries

35 - Apples

36 - Seeds that are Shot Away: Oxalis

37 - Witch-Hazel

38 - Touch-Me-Not

The oxeye daisy, our common meadow buttercup, and the little Canada thistle, now so abundant everywhere, are not native Americans, but came here from Europe.

Very likely they sailed in the ships with the early settlers and took possession of the New World with them. They are so much at home now that most people think they always grew here. But they did not, and when the Pilgrim Fathers looked over their new home the fields were not white with daisies nor yellow with buttercups.

No doubt the Pilgrim Fathers were glad of this, for daisies and buttercups often cover the fields and spoil the hay, and while “daisies in the meadow” seem very lovely to the city people who go to the country for the summer, daisies in the hay are another matter, and the farmers do not think them lovely at all.

It is not the grown-up plants that travel, as a rule, though some of them do. For you must know the plant world is a topsy-turvy kind of place where the parents stand still at home and the children wander about.

Of course the children are the seeds, and they are free, but when they once settle down and begin to grow their wandering days are over.

Plants with roots are great home-bodies; nothing short of actual violence can make them move from the spot they have chosen. Frequently it happens that they die if moved.

Not so with the seeds, however.

They wander about, and their parents often take great pains to send them out into the world.

For the children of the plants are very apt to die if they remain at home too long. They need to find a place in which to settle down and grow, and it is often better for them to do this at a distance from their parents.

Plants eat what is in the soil, and each kind of plant needs some particular earth food. When plants of one kind are crowded too closely in a place the earth is often impoverished, and the plant might die out if it were not able to find a fresh growing place. Then, again, if the seeds always fell close to the parent plant, the earth would soon become too crowded to support more than a very few new plants.

So for these and other reasons it is best for the seeds to go while they are able and find a place for themselves.

Nearly all seeds are provided with some way of moving about, and while some of them go very short distances others go very long ones.

They travel for their profit, and why may we not say for their pleasure? For if a plant is able to feel and enjoy at all,—and I for one believe it is,—then the dandelion seeds must feel very joyous sailing before the wind in the early summer, and later the thistle-down and the milkweed seeds, scudding before the breeze.


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