A Book of Whales

A Book of Whales is a natural history of whales for the layman.

By : Frank Evers Beddard (1858 - 1925)

00 - Preface

01 - Introductory

02 - Chapter 1. Part 1

03 - Chapter 1. Part 2

04 - Chapter 1. Part 3

05 - Chapter 2. Part 1

06 - Chapter 2. Part 2

07 - Chapter 2. Part 3

08 - Chapter 3

09 - Chapter 4

10 - Chapter 5

11 - Chapter 6. Part 1

12 - Chapter 6. Part 2

13 - Chapter 7. Part 1

14 - Chapter 7. Part 2

15 - Chapter 8. Part 1

16 - Chapter 8. Part 2

17 - Chapter 8. Part 3

18 - Chapter 9. Part 1

19 - Chapter 9. Part 2

20 - Chapter 10. Part 1

21 - Chapter 10. Part 2

22 - Chapter 10. Part 3

23 - Chapter 10. Part 4

24 - Chapter 11

25 - Chapter 12


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