Twentieth Century Negro Literature or A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro

The object of this book is... (1) To enlighten the uninformed white people on the intellectual ability of the Negro. (2) To give to those, who are interested in the Negro race, a better idea of the extent to which he contributed to the promotion of America's civilization, and of the intellectual attainments made by him in the nineteenth century. (3) To reflect the views of the most scholarly and prominent Negroes of America on those topics, touching the Negro, that are now engaging the attention of the civilized world. (4) To point out, to the aspiring Negro youth, those men and women of their own race who, by their scholarship, by their integrity of character, and by their earnest efforts in the work of uplifting their own race, have made themselves illustrious; also, to enlighten such youth on those ethical, political, and sociological questions, touching the Negro that will sooner or later engage their attention. (5) To enlighten the Negroes on that perplexing problem, commonly called the "Race Problem," that has necessarily grown out of their contact with their ex-masters and their descendants; and also to stimulate them to make greater efforts to ascend to that plane of civilization occupied by the other enlightened peoples of the world.

By : Daniel Wallace Culp

001 - Dedication, Preface, Introduction

002 - Topic 1, First Paper, by Mary B. Talbert

003 - Topic 1, Second Paper, by Josephine Silone Yates

004 - Topic 1, Third Paper, by Rev. J. W. E. Bowen

005 - Topic 1, Fourth Paper, by Rev. M. C. B. Mason

006 - Topic 1, Fifth Paper, by Rev. D. Webster Davis

007 - Topic 2, First Paper, by Bishop H. M. Turner

008 - Topic 2, Second Paper, by Bishop L. H. Holsey

009 - Topic 2, Third Paper, by R. S. Lovinggood

010 - Topic 2, Fourth Paper, by Bishop J. W. Hood

011 - Topic 3, First Paper, by Hon. H. P. Cheatham

012 - Topic 3, Second Paper, by Rev. W. D. Chappelle

013 - Topic 3, Third Paper, by Rev. S. N. Brown

014 - Topic 4, First Paper, by James W. Johnson

015 - Topic 4, Second Paper, by Prof. James Storum

016 - Topic 4, Third Paper, by Rev. S. G. Atkins

017 - Topic 4, Fourth Paper, by Prof. J. H. Jones

018 - Topic 5, by John P. Green

019 - Topic 6, First Paper, by Attorney R. S. Smith

020 - Topic 6, Second Paper, by Attorney I. L. Purcell

021 - Topic 6, Third Paper, by George T. Robinson

022 - Topic 6, Fourth Paper, by Attorney J. Thomas Hewin

023 - Topic 7, First Paper, by Bishop George Wylie Clinton

024 - Topic 7, Second Paper, by Rev. J. B. L. Williams

025 - Topic 7, Third Paper, by Rev. R. P. Wyche

026 - Topic 7, Fourth Paper, by Rev. I. D. Davis

027 - Topic 8, First Paper, by Prof. N. B. Young

028 - Topic 8, Second Paper, by Prof. D. J. Jordan

029 - Topic 8, Third Paper, by George A. Goodwin

030 - Topic 8, Fourth Paper, by Mrs. Paul L. Dunbar

031 - Topic 9, First Paper, by Booker T. Washington

032 - Topic 9, Second Paper, by Prof. J. R. Hawkins

033 - Topic 9, Third Paper, by Prof. Kelley Miller

034 - Topic 9, Fourth Paper, by C. H. Turner

035 - Topic 10, First Paper, by Mrs. R. D. Sprague

036 - Topic 10, Second Paper, by Mrs. Mary Church Terrell

037 - Topic 10, Third Paper, by Mrs. Rosa D. Bowser

038 - Topic 10, Fourth Paper, by Mrs. C. C. Pettey

039 - Topic 11, First Paper, by Rev. H. T. Johnson

040 - Topic 11, Second Paper, by Prof. J. W. Gilbert

041 - Topic 11, Third Paper, by J. R. Porter

042 - Topic 12, First Paper, by Mrs. Warren Logan

043 - Topic 12, Second Paper, by Hon. H. A. Rucker

044 - Topic 12, Third Paper, by Dr. John R. Francis

045 - Topic 12, Fourth Paper, by James Randall Wilder

046 - Topic 12, Fifth Paper, by Dr. R. F. Boyd

047 - Topic 12, Sixth Paper, by Henry R. Butler

048 - Topic 13, First Paper, by Hon. George H. White

049 - Topic 13, Second Paper, by T. T. Fortune

050 - Topic 13, Third Paper, by Hon. George W. Murray

051 - Topic 14, First Paper, by Prof. B. H. Peterson

052 - Topic 14, Second Paper, by Prof. A. U. Frierson

053 - Topic 14, Third Paper, by Mrs. M. E. C. Smith

054 - Topic 15, First Paper, by Edward MacKnight Brawley

055 - Topic 15, Second Paper, by Rev. J. S. Flipper

056 - Topic 15, Third Paper, by Rev. E. C. Morris

057 - Topic 15, Fourth Paper, by Mrs. Ariel S. Bowen

058 - Topic 16, First Paper, by Rev. J. Q. Johnson

059 - Topic 16, Second Paper, by Walter I. Lewis

060 - Topic 16, Third Paper, by G. M. McClellan

061 - Topic 17, by M. W. Gilbert

062 - Topic 18, First Paper, by John W. Cromwell

063 - Topic 18, Second Paper, by Rev. J. M Cox

064 - Topic 19, First Paper, by N. W. Harllee

065 - Topic 19, Second Paper, by Prof. R. G. Robinson

066 - Topic 19, Third Paper, by Miss Lena T. Jackson

067 - Topic 20, First Paper, by Rev. William E. Partee

068 - Topic 20, Second Paper, by Rev. L. B. Ellerson

069 - Topic 20, Third Paper, by Rev. Walter H. Brooks

070 - Topic 20, Fourth Paper, by Rev. H. H. Proctor

071 - Topic 20, Fifth Paper, by Rev. S. Kerr

072 - Topic 21, First Paper, by Rev. J. H. Anderson

073 - Topic 21, Second Paper, by Prof. W. H. Councill

074 - Topic 22, First Paper, by Prof. A. St. George Richardson

075 - Topic 22, Second Paper, by Prof. E. L. Blackshear

076 - Topic 22, Third Paper, by T. W. Talley

077 - Topic 22, Fourth Paper, by Prof. H. L. Walker

078 - Topic 23, First Paper, by Dr. D. W. Onley

079 - Topic 23, Second Paper, by Walter N. Wallace

080 - Topic 23, Third Paper, by Richard W. Thompson

081 - Topic 24, First Paper, by Rev. George F. Bragg, Jr.

082 - Topic 24, Second Paper, by Rev. John W. Whittaker

083 - Topic 24, Third Paper, by Rev. O. M. Waller

084 - Topic 25, First Paper, by T. W. Jones

085 - Topic 25, Second Paper, by Andrew F. Hilyer

086 - Topic 25, Third Paper, by Rev. J. H. Morgan

087 - Topic 26, First Paper, by Prof. George W. Carver

088 - Topic 26, Second Paper, by H. A. Hunt

089 - Topic 27, by H. E. Baker

090 - Topic 28, by Prof. W. S. Scarborough

091 - Topic 29, by T. de S. Tucker

092 - Topic 30, by Rev. F. J. Grimke

093 - Topic 31, by John Henry Smyth

094 - Topic 32, by William H. Heard

095 - Topic 33, by Mrs. Lena Mason

096 - Topic 34, by Mrs. Lena Mason

097 - Topic 35, by Prof. Joseph D. Bibb

098 - Topic 36, by George L. Knox

099 - Topic 37, by E. E. Cooper

100 - Topic 38, by W. R. Pettiford

This book examines the following topics:

1. Did the American Negro make, in the nineteenth century, achievements along the lines of wealth, morality, education, etc., commensurate with his opportunities? If so, what achievements did he make?
2. Will it be possible for the Negro to attain, in this country, unto the American type of civilization?
3. How can the friendly relations now existing between the two races in the South be strengthened and maintained?
4. Should the Negro be given an education different from that given to the white?
5. Should the ignorant and non-property holding Negro be allowed to vote?
6. Is the criminal Negro justly dealt with in the courts of the South?
7. To what extent is the Negro pulpit uplifting the race?
8. Is it time for the Negro colleges in the South to be put into the hands of Negro teachers?
9. Will the education of the Negro solve the race problem?
10. What role is the educated Negro woman to play in the uplifting of her race?
11. How can the Negroes be induced to rally more to Negro business enterprises and to their professional men?
12. What are the causes of the great mortality among the Negroes in the cities of the South and how is that mortality to be lessened?
13. What should be the Negro's attitude in politics?
14. Is the Negro as morally depraved as he is reputed to be?
15. Is the young Negro an improvement morally on his father?
16. The Negro as a writer
17. Did the American Negro prove, in the nineteenth century, that he is intellectually equal to the white man?
18. What progress did the American white man make in the nineteenth century along the line of conceding to the Negro his religious, political and civil rights?
19. The Negro as a laborer
20. The Negro as a Christian
21. Does the North afford to the Negro better opportunities of making a living than the South?
22. What is the Negro teacher doing in the matter of uplifting his race?
23. Is the Negro newspaper an important factor in the elevation of the Negro?
24. Are other than Baptist and Methodist Churches adapted to the present Negro?
25. The Negro as a business man
26. The Negro as a farmer
27. The Negro as an inventor
28. What the omen?
29. Why the Negro race survives
30. The signs of a brighter future for the American Negro
31. Negro criminality
32. The American Negro's opportunities in Africa
33. The Negro and education
34. A Negro in it
35. The Negro's adversities help him
36. The American Negro and his possibilities
37. Important lessons from the awful tragedy
38. How to help the Negro to help himself


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