Carpenter's World Travels, Alaska Our Northern Wonderland

Early twentieth century travel book about Alaska with stories of major cities, Indian tribes, customs and geography of what would become our 49th state.

By : Frank G. Carpenter (1855 - 1924)

01 - Just a Word Before we Start

02 - Ketchikan

03 - The Town of the Good Indians

04 - Alaska's Golden Fisheries

05 - The Story of Seward's Ice Box

06 - The Thlingets and the Hydahs

07 - Totem Indians and Their Customs

08 - Farm Lands of the Future

09 - At Juneau

10 - Treasures Under the Sea

11 - The World's Greatest Glaciers

12 - Skagway, Gateway to the Klondike

13 - Over the Gold Seekers Trail

14 - In the Yukon Flats

15 - Winter Tales of Tanana

16 - Hot Springs in Cold Lands

17 - Fairbanks, the Chicago of Alaska

18 - Homesteading Under the Arctic Circle

19 - Thawing Fortunes Out of the Ice

20 - Stories of Gold and Gold Miners

21 - Among the Old Timers

22 - From Fort Gibbon to the Sea

23 - The City of Golden Sands

24 - Creeks that Made Millionaires

25 - The Dog Derby of Alaska

26 - Reindeer Meat for American Markets

27 - Among the Eskimos

28 - School Republics of the Arctic

29 - Fur Seals and Fox Farms

30 - The Aleutian Islands

31 - The City of Seward

32 - Across Kenai on Horseback

33 - Our Northern Game Preserve

34 - The Biggest Thing in Alaska

35 - Mount McKinley, the Most High

36 - The Story of Kennecott

37 - On the Copper River Railroad

38 - Women on America's Last Frontier


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