The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood

This is a collection of Thomas Hood's poems. Hood was an eminent British poet, regarded in particular for his humorous poetry, as well as his weird and fantastic poems. As William Michael Rossetti writes in his biographical sketch of Hood, "A man of such a faculty and such a habit of work could scarcely, in all instances, keep himself within the bounds of good taste - a term which people are far too ready to introduce into serious discussions, for the purpose of casting disparagement upon some work which transcends the ordinary standards of appreciation, but a term nevertheless which has its important meaning and its true place. Hood is too often like a man grinning awry, or interlarding serious and beautiful discourse with a nod, a wink, or a leer, neither requisite nor convenient as auxiliaries to his speech: and to do either of these things is to fail in perfect taste. Sometimes, not very often, we are allowed to reach the close of a poem of his without having our attention jogged and called off by a single interpolation of this kind; and then we feel unalloyed—what we constantly feel also even under the contrary conditions—how exquisite a poetic sense and how choice a cunning of hand were his. On the whole, we can pronounce Hood the finest English poet between the generation of Shelley and the generation of Tennyson."

By : Thomas Hood (1799 - 1845)

001 - Biographical Introduction by William Michael Rossetti, part 1

002 - Biographical Introduction by William Michael Rossetti, part 2

003 - To Hope

004 - The Departure of Summer

005 - The Sea of Death

006 - To an Absentee

007 - Lycus the Centaur

008 - The Two Peacocks of Bedfont

009 - Hymn to the Sun

010 - Midnight

011 - To a Sleeping Child

012 - To Fancy

013 - Fair Ines

014 - To a False Friend

015 - Ode - Autumn

016 - Sonnet - Silence

017 - Sonnet

018 - Sonnet - to an Enthusiast

019 - To a Cold Beauty

020 - Sonnet - Death

021 - Serenade

022 - Verses in an Album

023 - The Forsaken

024 - Song

025 - Song

026 - Birthday Verses

027 - I Love Thee

028 - Lines

029 - False Poets and True

030 - The Two Swans

031 - Ode on a Distant Prospect of Clapham Academy

032 - Song

033 - The Water Lady

034 - Autumn

035 - I Remember, I Remember!

036 - The Poet's Portion

037 - Ode to the Moon

038 - Sonnet

039 - A Retrospective Review

040 - Ballad

041 - Time, Hope and Memory

042 - Flowers

043 - Ballad

044 - Ruth

045 - The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, I

046 - The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, II

047 - The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, III

048 - Hero and Leander, I

049 - Hero and Leander, II

050 - Hero and Leander, III

051 - Ballad

052 - Autumn

053 - Ballad

054 - The Exile

055 - To

056 - Ode to Melancholy

057 - Sonnet - to my Wife

058 - Sonnet on Receiving a Gift

059 - Two Sonnets

060 - The Dream of Eugene Aram

061 - Sonnet - for the 14th of February

062 - The Death-Bed

063 - Anticipation

064 - To a Child Embracing his Mother

065 - Stanzas

066 - Sonnet to Ocean

067 - To

068 - Lines

069 - Stanzas

070 - Ode to Rae Wilson, Esq.

071 - To my Daughter

072 - Miss Kelmansegg and her Precious Leg - Her Pedigree and Her Christening

073 - Miss Kelmansegg and her Precious Leg - Her Childhood and Her Education

074 - Miss Kelmansegg and her Precious Leg - Her Accident and Her Fame

075 - Miss Kelmansegg and her Precious Leg - Her First Step and Her Fancy Ball

076 - Miss Kelmansegg and her Precious Leg - Her Dream and Her Courtship

077 - Miss Kelmansegg and her Precious Leg - Her Marriage and Her Honeymoon

078 - Miss Kelmansegg and her Precious Leg - Her Misery, Her Last Will, and Her Death

079 - The Lee Shore

080 - Sonnet

081 - The Elm Tree

082 - Lear

083 - Sonnet

084 - The Song of the Shirt

085 - The Pauper's Christmas Carol

086 - The Haunted House

087 - The Mary

088 - The Lady's Dream

089 - The Key

090 - The Workhouse Clock

091 - The Bridge of Sighs

092 - The Lay of the Laborer

093 - Stanzas

094 - Ode to Mr. Graham

095 - A Friendly Address to Mrs. Fry in Newgate

096 - Ode to Richard Martin, Esq.

097 - Ode to the Great Unknown

098 - Ode to Joseph Grimaldi, Senior

099 - An Address to the Steam Washing Company and Letter of Remonstrance

100 - Ode to Captain Parry

101 - Ode to W. Kitchener, M. D.

102 - The Last Man

103 - Faithless Sally Brown

104 - As it Fell Upon a Day

105 - The Stag-eyed Lady

106 - The Irish Schoolmaster

107 - Faithless Nelly Gray

108 - Bianca's Dream

109 - The Demon-ship

110 - Tim Turpin

111 - Death's Ramble

112 - A Sailor's Apology for Bow-Legs

113 - The Volunteer

114 - The Epping Hunt

115 - The Drowning Ducks

116 - A Storm at Hastings

117 - Lines to a Lady

118 - The Angler's Farewell

119 - Ode - to the Advocates for the Removal of Smithfield Market

120 - A Report from Below

121 - 'I'm not a Single Man'

122 - The Supper Superstition

123 - The Duel

124 - A Singular Exhibition at Somerset House

125 - Lines to Mary

126 - The Compass with Variations

127 - The Ghost

128 - The Fall

129 - Our Village

130 - A Public Dinner

131 - Sally Simpkin's Lament

132 - Ode to Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart

133 - The Lost Heir

134 - The Fox and the Hen

135 - The Poacher

136 - A Waterloo Ballad

137 - A Lay of Real Life

138 - The Sweep's Complaint

139 - The Desert-Born

140 - Agricultural Distress

141 - Domestic Poems

142 - The Green Man

143 - Hit or Miss

144 - The Forlorn Shepherd's Complaint

145 - Lieutenant Luff

146 - Morning Meditations

147 - A Plain Direction

148 - The Assistant Drapers' Petition

149 - The Bachelor's Dream

150 - Rural Felicity

151 - A Flying Visit

152 - Queen Mab

153 - To Henrietta

154 - A Parthian Glance

155 - A True Story

156 - The Mermaid of Margate

157 - A Fairy Tale

158 - Craniology

159 - The Wee Man

160 - The Progress of Art

161 - Those Evening Bells

162 - The Carelesse Nurse Mayd

163 - Domestic Asides

164 - Shooting Pains

165 - John Day

166 - Huggins and Duggins

167 - The China-Mender

168 - Domestic Didactics

169 - Lament for the Decline of Chivalry

170 - Playing at Soldiers

171 - Mary's Ghost

172 - The Widow

173 - An Open Question

174 - A Black Job

175 - Etching Moralised

176 - A Tale of a Trumpet, I

177 - A Tale of a Trumpet, II

178 - The Forge

179 - The University Feud


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