Just As I Am

The murder has finally been solved. After 20 years, Humphrey Vargas came with his dog, seemingly from no where, and informed the magistrate of the county that he murdered the popular Mr. Blake. He even told the magistrate the whole story. This book picks up where other books end and shows how this revelation brings about a chain of unexpected events. Knowing who murdered such a popular man does not make things any easier around the county, as memories finally surface, and relationships may change forever.

By : Mary Elizabeth Braddon (1835 - 1915)

01 - I. Every Dog has his Day

02 - II. Father and Daughter

03 - III. After Twenty Years

04 - IV. 'A Wilful Man must have his Way.’

05 - V. Dulcie asks Questions

06 - VI. 'This Man killed my Father '

07 - VII. Morton's Womenkind

08 - VIII. In the Assize Court

09 - IX. Guilty

10 - X. A Superior Woman

11 - XI. A Friendly Dinner

12 - XII. At the ' Sugar Loaves'

13 - XIII. A Plea for the Prisoner

14 - XIV. The Yellow Ribbon

15 - XV. Dora Blake asks a Question

16 - XVI. ' I must be behind the age.'

17 - XVII. Come to Grief

18 - XVIII. Link by Link

19 - XIX. Blatchmardean Castle

20 - XX. A Fountain of Bitter Waters

21 - XXI. Christmas at Tangley Manor

22 - XXII. ' To the End of the World '

23 - XXIII. In Mr. Tomplin's Chambers

24 - XXIV. On the Wing

25 - XXV. Dulcie sacrifices Herself

26 - XXVI. Whistled down the Wind

27 - XXVII. Poor Lucy

28 - XXVIII. Shafto Jebb is sent for

29 - XXIX. Was Life worth living?

30 - XXX.Who can minister to a Mind diseased?

31 - XXXI. ' That would be too horrible '

32 - XXXII. Never Again

33 - XXXIII. In Tangley Wood

34 - XXXIV. An Earnest Man

35 - XXXV. ' I do not understand You, Morton.’

36 - XXXVI. The Man called Tinker

37 - XXXVII. ' I must bide my Time.'

38 - XXXVIII. Tinker breaks his Tryst

39 - XXXIX. Drifting Apart

40 - XL. The End of all Things

41 - XLI. ' That would be an Unholy Alliance.'

42 - XLII. ' is he still the master of your heart?’

43 - XLIII. Morton's Brilliant Idea

44 - XLIV. A Paragon of Cobs

45 - XLV. ' What is the Key to the Enigma

46 - XLVI. A Land of Chimneys and Smoke

47 - XLVII. From Darkness into Light

48 - XLVIII. In the bosom of her family

49 - XLIX. ' I will never live under his Roof ‘

50 - L. 'There was no Thought of Fair Play then '

51 - LI. Lizzie's Failure

52 - LII. Thicker than Water

53 - LIII. The Rest is Silence


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