Use Of The Dead To The Living

In 1827 Thomas Southwood-Smith published The Use of the Dead to the Living, a pamphlet which argued that the current system of burial in the United Kingdom was a wasteful use of bodies that could otherwise be used for dissection by the medical profession. "If, by any appropriation of the dead, I can promote the happiness of the living, then it is my duty to conquer the reluctance I may feel to such a disposition of the dead, however well-founded or strong that reluctance may be". Southwood-Smith's lobbying helped lead to the 1832 Anatomy Act, the legislation which allowed the state to seize unclaimed corpses from workhouses and sell them to surgical schools. While this act is credited with ending the practice of grave robbery, it has also been condemned as discriminatory against the poor. Thomas Southwood- Smith was an English physician and sanitary reformer.

By : Thomas Southwood Smith (1788 - 1831)

00 - Advertisement

01 - Part 1

02 - Part 2

03 - Part 3

04 - Part 4

The following pages contain an article extracted from the Westminster Review, an English periodical of considerable reputation. On its appearance in Great Britain, it excited great attention; and, indeed, has been there reprinted in a cheap form for general distribution. The author (Dr. Southwood Smith) deserves the thanks of the community for the talents he has displayed, and the lucid and powerful manner in which he has investigated the important subject under consideration.

The editors believe that they are discharging a duty to the community in presenting it to them for perusal and consideration. They will not conceal their wishes, that it may have a favorable effect on a bill now pending before the Legislature. Both in a general point of view, as well as with reference to the particular institution to be benefitted, the arguments are particularly applicable; nor will an enlightened body of men be deterred from doing what they may deem their duty by the unparalleled impudence of those who now cry out against monopoly, when they have risen into importance by monopoly, and have, always, while it suited their views, been its most persecuting and vindictive advocates.

It is due to truth to state, that the suggestion of the republication of this article, originated with a member of the Senate of this state, and who does not belong to the profession.


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