Twenty Minutes Late

Sequel to Miss Dee Dunmore Bryant. Being 20 minutes late after a day out with the Kedwins and Ben and Daisy, her siblings, starts a series of events in motion that lead Caroline Bryant to Philadelphia...and to people and situations she could never have foreseen.

By : Pansy (1841 - 1930)

01 - Disappointment

02 - Clothes

03 - Something to Remember

04 - ''A Pretty State of Things''

05 - ''What Could Happen?''

06 - A New Friend

07 - A Sunday in Philadelphia

08 - Night Work

09 - Waiting

10 - A Trying Position

11 - Dark Days

12 - ''So You Want to Go Home?''

13 - The Unexpected Happens

14 - Conflicting Advice

15 - A Long, Wonderful Day

16 - Borrowed Trouble

17 - Learning

18 - Machines and News

19 - Entertaining Company

20 - Great Questions Settled

21 - ''Merry Christmas''

22 - ''Luck''

23 - Another ''Side-Track''

24 - At Last


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