What Katy Did at School

Following Katy's recovery in What Katy Did, Katy and Clover go to Hillsover, a boarding school. Together with their new friend Rosamond Redding, or "Rose Red", they form a Society for the Suppression of Unladylike Conduct--but then they are accused of sending notes to a boy outside the school. Katy and Clover know they have nothing to do with it, but can they prove their innocence to the teachers and principal before they are expelled?

By : Susan Coolidge (1835 - 1905)

00 - Dramatis Personae

01 - Conic Section

02 - A New Year and a New Plan

03 - On the Way

04 - The Nunnery

05 - Roses and Thorns

06 - The S.S.U.C.

07 - Injustice

08 - Changes

09 - The Autumn Vacation

10 - A Budget of Letters

11 - Christmas Boxes

12 - Waiting for Spring

13 - Paradise Regained


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