Tarzan and the Golden Lion

Tarzan's amazing ability to establish kinship with some of the most dangerous animals in the jungle serves him well in this exciting story of his adventures with the Golden Lion, Jad-bal-ja, when the great and lordly animal becomes his ally and protector. Tarzan learns from the High Priestess, La, of a country north of Opar which is held in dread by the Oparians. It is peopled by a strange race of gorilla-men with the intelligence of humans and the strength of gorillas. From time to time they attack Opar, carrying off prisoners for use as slaves in the jewel-studded Temple where they worship a great black-maned lion. Accompanied by the faithful Jad-bal-ja, Tarzan invades the dread country in an attempt to win freedom for the hundreds of people held in slavery there...

By : Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875 - 1950)

01 - The Golden Lion

02 - The Training of Jad-bal-ja

03 - A Meeting of Mystery

04 - What the Footprints Told

05 - The Fatal Drops

06 - Death Steals Behind

07 - ''You Must Sacrifice Him''

08 - Mystery of the Past

09 - The Shaft of Death

10 - Mad Treachery

11 - Strange Incense Burns

12 - The Golden Ingots

13 - A Strange, Flat Tower

14 - The Chamber of Horrors

15 - The Map of Blood

16 - The Diamond Hoard

17 - The Torture of Fire

18 - The Spoor of Revenge

19 - A Barbed Shaft Kills

20 - The Dead Return

21 - An Escape and a Capture

The story picks up with the Clayton family, Tarzan, Jane Porter and their son Korak, returning from their adventures in the previous novel (#8). Along the way they find an orphaned lion cub, which Tarzan takes home and trains.

Flora Hawkes, a previous housemaid of the Clayton's had overheard of Tarzan's discovery of the treasure chamber in the lost city of Opar (from The Return of Tarzan and Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar) and had managed to copy his map to it. She concocted a plan to lead an expedition to collect the gold. As a contingency to discourage any local denizens from questioning them, she sought out and found a Tarzan look-alike named Esteban Miranda to accompany them.

Two years passed since the Clayton family picked up their lion cub, making the year around 1935 and Tarzan would have been about 47 years old. His Greystoke estate had become financially depleted due his support of the Allies war efforts and he concluded it was time to return to Opar for another withdrawal.

Tarzan encountered Hawkes' party, where he was drugged and ended up in the hands of the Oparians. Queen La, who had come into disfavor with the high priest, felt she had nothing to lose by escaping with Tarzan through the only unguarded route—a path to the legendary valley of diamonds, from which no one had ever returned. There, Tarzan found a race of humans who were little better than animals in intelligence, being enslaved by a race of intelligent gorillas. With the help of his golden lion Jad-bal-ja, Tarzan used the natives to restore La to power. Before leaving he accepted a bag of diamonds for a reward.

Meanwhile, Esteban Miranda convinced Tarzan's Waziri party to take the gold from Hawkes' party while most of them were out hunting. He then buried the gold so he could retain it later. The real Tarzan eventually confronted the imposter, who managed to pilfer Tarzan's bag of diamonds. Esteban Miranda was then chased by Jad-balja, but escaped into a river. Esteban Miranda was later captured and permanently imprisoned by a local tribe. Tarzan lost the diamonds, but was able to attain the gold and return with it.


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