
This well-written novel is a fictional account of a true historical rescue mission. In 1719, at the age of 17, when she was on her way across Europe to marry James Stuart, the Catholic pretender to the British throne, Princess Maria Clementina Sobieska was kidnapped and held prisoner by Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI, with the approval of his ally, the Protestant king of England. The king feared that the marriage would produce heirs who might raise a rebellion against the Crown, though Stuart’s own rebellion had failed four years earlier. But Irish soldier of fortune and Stuart's ablest spy, hatches a daring plot to rescue the princess. Filled with spies, romance, palace intrigue and uncertain loyalties, this is the story of how Charles Wogan, once indicted for High Treason in Protestant England, set out to play his part on the international stage. Failure would mean certain death at the hands of Wogan's powerful enemies. But would success bring the result he expects?

By : A. E. W. Mason (1865 - 1948)

01 - Chapter I, A Chance Meeting, Chapter II, Bad News

02 - Chapter III, Wogan Makes a Proposal

03 - Chapter IV, Shows That There Are Better Hiding-Places Than a Window-Curtain

04 - Chapter V, Shows That A Dishonest Landlord Should Avoid White Paint

05 - Chapter VI, Wogan Continues His Journey

06 - Chapter VII, Wogan Is Mistaken For A More Notable Man

07 - Chapter VIII, At Schlestadt

08 - Chapter IX, Gaydon Minds His Own Business

09 - Chapter X, A Month Of Waiting, Chapter XI, The Prince Of Baden Visits Clementina

10 - Chapter XII, The Night Of The 27th. In The Streets Of Innspruck

11 - Chapter XIII, The Night Of The 27th. In Clementina's Apartments

12 - Chapter XIV, The Escape

13 - Chapter XV, The Flight To Italy: Wogan's City Of Dreams

14 - Chapter XVI, The Flight To Italy: The Potent Effects Of A Water-Jug

15 - Chapter XVII, The Flight To Italy: A Growing Cloud

16 - Chapter XVIII, Wogan and Clementina Continue Their Journey Alone

17 - Chapter XIX, The Attack At Peri

18 - Chapter XX, The God Of The Machine Does Not Appear

19 - Chapter XXI, Complications At Bologna

20 - Chapter XXII, Clementina Takes Mr. Wogan to Visit the Caprara Palace

21 - Chapter XXIII, Wogan Learns That He Has Meddled

22 - Chapter XXIV, Maria Vittoria Reappears

23 - Chapter XXV, The Last, and Epilogue


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