Comic History of England

Edgar Wilson “Bill” Nye (1850 – 1896) was a distinguished American journalist, who later became widely known as a humorist. Jim “jimmowatt” Mowatt is a distinguished  volunteer, widely known for his continued devotion both to regularly producing the Community Podcast and to regularly creating more and more history audiobooks for the public domain, renowned for his humor and his historically kind demeanor, lately recognized as holding a diploma as well as a mic. In light of that new holding, in celebration of graduation, this bit of history has been recorded with Jim in mind, owing to all that we owe him, glowing with glee that we know him, it’s what we’ve done just to show him that he’s a jolly good fellow.

The readers of this volume will share our regret that the preface cannot be written by Mr. Nye, who would have introduced his volume with a characteristically appropriate and humorous foreword in perfect harmony with the succeeding narrative.

We need only say that this work is in the author's best vein, and will prove not only amusing, but instructive as well; for the events, successions, dates, etc., are correct, and the trend of actual facts is adhered to. Of course, these facts are "embellished," as Mr. Nye would say, by his fancy, and the leading historical characters are made to play in fantastic rôles. Underneath all, however, a shrewd knowledge of human nature is betrayed, which unmasks motives and reveals the true inwardness of men and events with a humorous fidelity.

The unfortunate illness to which Mr. Nye finally succumbed prevented the completion of his history beyond the marriage of Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn.

By : Bill Nye (1850 - 1896)

00 - Preface

01 - Invasion of Caesar: The Discovery of Tin and Subsequent Enlightenment of Britain

02 - The Various Roman Yokes: Their Growth, Degeneration, and Final Elimination

03 - The Advent of the Angles: Causes Which Led to the Rehabilitation of Britain on New Lines

04 - The Influx of the Danes: Facts Showing Conclusively Their Influence on the Britain of Today

05 - The Troublous Middle Ages: Demonstrating a Short Reign for Those Who Travel at a Royal Gait

06 - The Danish Oligarchy: Disaffections Attending Chronic Usurpation Proclivities

07 - Other Disagreeable Claimants: Foreign Foibles Introduced, Only to be Expunged with Characteristic Pugnacity

08 - The Norman Conquest: Complex Commingling of Facetious Accord and Implaccable Discord

09 - The Feudal System: Successful Inauguration of Homogeneal Methods for Restricting Incompatable Demagogues

10 - The Age of Chivalry: Light Dissertation on the Knights-Errant, Maids, Fools, Prelates, and Other Notorious Characters of that Period

11 - Conquest of Ireland: Uncomfortable Effects Following the Cultivation of an Acquisitorial Propensity

12 - Magna Charta Introduced: Slight Difficulties Encountered in Overcoming an Unpopular and Unreasonable Prejudice

13 - Further Disagreements Recorded: Illustrating the Amiability of the Jew and the Perversity of the Scot

14 - Irritability of the French: Interminable Dissension, Assisted by the Plague, Continues Reducing the Population

15 - More Sanguinary Triumphs: Onward March of Civilization Graphically Delineated with the Historian's Usual Completeness

16 - Unpleasant Caprices of Royalty: Introduction of Printing as a Subsidiary Aid in the Progress of Emancipation

17 - Biography of Richard III: Being an Allegorical Panegyric of the Incontrovertible Machinations of an Egotistical Usurper

18 - Disorder Still the Popular Fad: General Admixture of Pretenders, Religion, Politics, and Disgruntled Monarchs


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