The Conquest of Canaan

Small town middle America in early 1900's---Ne'er-do-well Joe Louden loves daughter of wealthy judge, from afar---leaves town, goes to law school--returns to scandalize all by defending impossible cases---wins over town. Story of small town mores, social inequity, changing times, honor and greed.

By : Booth Tarkington (1869 - 1946)

01 - Enter Chorus

02 - A Rescue

03 - Old Hopes

04 - The Disaster

05 - Beaver Beach

06 - Ye'll /tak'---

07 - Give a Dog--

08 - A Bad Penny--

09 - Outer Darkness

10 - The Tryst

11 - When Half-Gods Go

12 - To Remain on the Field---

13 - The Watcher and The Warden

14 - White Roses at a Law-0ffice

15 - Happy Fear Gives Himself Up

16 - The Two Canaans

17 - Mr. Sheehan's Hints

18 - Heat of the Day

19 - Eskew Arp

20 - Three Are Enlisted

21 - Norbert Waits for Joe

22 - Mr. Sheehan Speaks

23 - Joe Walks

24 - Martin Pike Keeps

25 - Jury Comes In

26 - Ancient of Days

A dry snow had fallen steadily throughout the still night, so that when a cold, upper wind cleared the sky gloriously in the morning the incongruous Indiana town shone in a white harmony—roof, ledge, and earth as evenly covered as by moonlight. There was no thaw; only where the line of factories followed the big bend of the frozen river, their distant chimneys like exclamation points on a blank page, was there a first threat against the supreme whiteness. The wind passed quickly and on high; the shouting of the school-children had ceased at nine o'clock with pitiful suddenness; no sleigh-bells laughed out on the air; and the muffling of the thoroughfares wrought an unaccustomed peace like that of Sunday. This was the phenomenon which afforded the opening of the morning debate of the sages in the wide windows of the "National House."

Only such unfortunates as have so far failed to visit Canaan do not know that the "National House" is on the Main Street side of the Court-house Square, and has the advantage of being within two minutes' walk of the railroad station, which is in plain sight of the windows—an inestimable benefit to the conversation of the aged men who occupied these windows on this white morning, even as they were wont in summer to hold against all comers the cane-seated chairs on the pavement outside. Thence, as trains came and went, they commanded the city gates, and, seeking motives and adding to the stock of history, narrowly observed and examined into all who entered or departed. Their habit was not singular. He who would foolishly tax the sages of Canaan with a bucolic light-mindedness must first walk in Piccadilly in early June, stroll down the Corso in Rome before Ash Wednesday, or regard those windows of Fifth Avenue whose curtains are withdrawn of a winter Sunday; for in each of these great streets, wherever the windows, not of trade, are widest, his eyes must behold wise men, like to those of Canaan, executing always their same purpose.

The difference is in favor of Canaan; the "National House" was the club, but the perusal of traveller or passer by was here only the spume blown before a stately ship of thought; and you might hear the sages comparing the Koran with the speeches of Robert J. Ingersoll...


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