The Odyssey for Boys and Girls

A retelling of the adventures of Ulysses, including his adventures both the Cyclops and Circe, as he journeys home to his home of Ithaca. The story then continues to include his quest to rejoin his wife and family of whom he has been separated from for twenty years. This is Homer's Odyssey for the younger set.

By : Alfred John Church (1829 - 1912)

01 - The Cyclops

02 - Of the Home of the Winds and of Circe

03 - Of the Sirens and Other Wonders

04 - Of What Happened in Ithaca

05 - How Telemachus Went to Look for His Father

06 - How Telemachus Saw Nestor

07 - How Telemachus Came to Sparta

08 - Menelaus's Story

09 - How Ulysses Came to the Phaeacians

10 - Nausicaa

11 - Alcinous

12 - Ulysses Among the Phaeacians

13 - Ithaca

14 - Eumaeus

15 - Ulysses and His Son

16 - Of the Dog Argus and Other Things

17 - Of the Beggar Irus and Other Things

18 - How Ulysses Was Made Known

19 - The Trial of the Bow

20 - The Slaying of the Suitors

21 - At Last

22 - Of Laertes

23 - How There Was Peace Between Ulysses and his People


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