English Fairy Tales

A collection of traditional English fairy tales by Joseph Jacobs.

Joseph Jacobs (29 August 1854 – 30 January 1916) was an Australian folklorist, translator, literary critic, social scientist, historian and writer of English literature who became a notable collector and publisher of English folklore.

Jacobs was born in Sydney to a Jewish family. His work went on to popularize some of the world's best known versions of English fairy tales including "Jack and the Beanstalk", "Goldilocks and the three bears", "The Three Little Pigs", "Jack the Giant Killer" and "The History of Tom Thumb". He published his English fairy tale collections: English Fairy Tales in 1890 and More English Fairy Tales in 1893 but also went on after and in between both books to publish fairy tales collected from continental Europe as well as Jewish, Celtic and Indian fairytales which made him one of the most popular writers of fairytales for the English language. Jacobs was also an editor for journals and books on the subject of folklore which included editing the Fables of Bidpai and the Fables of Aesop, as well as articles on the migration of Jewish folklore. He also edited editions of The Thousand and One Nights. He went on to join The Folklore Society in England and became an editor of the society journal Folklore. Joseph Jacobs also contributed to The Jewish Encyclopedia.

During his lifetime, Jacobs came to be regarded as one of the foremost experts on English folklore.

00 - Preface

01 - Tom Tit Tot

02 - The Three Sillies

03 - The Rose Tree

04 - The Old Woman and Her Pig

05 - How Jack Went to Seek His Fortune

06 - Mr. Vinegar

07 - Nix Nought Nothing

08 - Jack Hannaford

09 - Binnorie

10 - Mouse and Mouser

11 - Cap o' Rushes

12 - Teeny-tiny

13 - Jack and the Beanstalk

14 - The Story of the Three Little Pigs

15 - The Master and His Pupil

16 - Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse

17 - Jack and His Golden Snuff-Box

18 - The Story of the Three Bears

19 - Jack the Giant-Killer

20 - Henny Penny

21 - Childe Rowland

22 - Molly Whuppie

23 - The Red Ettin

24 - The Golden Arm

25 - The History of Tom Thumb

26 - Mr. Fox

27 - Lazy Jack

28 - Johnny-Cake

29 - Earl Mar's Daughter

30 - Mr. Miacca

31 - Whittington and His Cat

32 - The Strange Visitor

33 - The Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh

34 - The Cat and the Mouse

35 - The Fish and the Ring

36 - The Magpie's Next

37 - Kate Crackernuts

38 - The Cauld Lad of Hilton

39 - The Ass, the Table, and the Stick

40 - Fairy Ointment

41 - The Well of the World's End

42 - Master of All Masters

43 - The Three Heads of the Well


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